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Lexus GS Facelift (Spy)

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The exterior styling of the current model Lexus GS sedan has been essentially unchanged since the car was introduced for the 2004 model year. Now this prototype, photographed just recently in Europe, gives an indication that Lexus is working on a styling facelift.

While most styling updates include freshening of all the front and rear styling, this prototype is showing only a revised front bumper. Note the subtly reshaped lower air inlet in the center, and the taller openings on either side which now better match the center opening in height. It is likely that this new bumper will be part of an overall freshening which will include new grille, headlights, taillights, etc. once the styling update is completed.


 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Parli del diavolo... E' da 2 giorni che la nominiamo nel topic Jaguar, le saran fischiati i collettori d'aspirazione! :mrgreen:

Secondo me questa è la Lexus più bella in commercio, l'unica cosa che mi sa da vecchio sono solo gli interni... Mi piacerebbero più IS style. Dubito ci mettano mano, ma si sa mai sti Jap...

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