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Alfa Romeo MiTo (Topic Ufficiale - 2008)


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qualche commento dai vari siti automobilistici USA , alcuni provengono da un sito di appassionati alfa romeo come Alfa BB legato al mercato nord americano, ho notato che al suo interno è prevista una suddivisione per i vari stati dell'unione.Su quest'ultimo ho anche notato la presenza di una nostra conoscenza o suo clone (sakiss ) e nonostante abbia aperto numerose discussioni su tale forum pare regni l'indifferenza per la piccola di casa alfa dati i pochi commenti ottenuti in risposta .In caso i moderatori non giudichimo corretto tracrivere commenti altrui , chiaramente sono impossibilizzato a chiedere il permesso agli interessati , provvederò a cancellare il tutto.

--so is it going to be grossly overweight like all the rest of their cars? i imagine somthing like 3000 pounds

considering it has a slightly modified Grande Punto chassis, it should weigh between 1015 and 1080 kgs, aka 100kgs less than the Mini.

So no, weight won't be an issue.--

--That* is a gorgeous car. The name however, how is it pronounced? I'm hoping its something like "MY TOW" or "ME TOW", because if its "ME TOO"... well that'll just be stupid. --

--I loved the first photos of this car, but these new shots make the car look very narrow and tall, not very sporty at all. These pictures just seem to show it is a re-fronted Fiat. What a shame!!!!!!!--

--This is coming to the USA right? Its an expensive Fiat Grande Punto--

--This car is beautiful. If they offer it on the American market, however, they'll have to change the name. We won't get it.--

--I love it! An inspired design--

--low iq:

isnt this the Fiat Grande Punto aka Opel Corsa?

So indeed MeToo.--

--The greatest thought has also gone into defining the dimensions, which add up to a compact and dynamic shape: the Alfa Romeo Mi.To is 4.06 metres long, 1.44 metres high and 1.72 metres wide.

I really worry: if that was their greatest thought... after they took the platform from Opel/Fiat.... what was there left to think.... --

-- Que bella! This mini-Alfa should give the MiniCooper, VW GTI, Volvo C30, Audi A3 and Mazda Speed3 a run for their money! That is, however, Alfa has fixed the reliability problems that seem to plague every Italian marque.--

--The car is FWD and based on Fiat's Grand Punto. However it's been tuned to provide Mini Cooper levels of handling. Mini is a small premium car and is selling quite well in the US JoeO. This car may be built in Mexico so Alfa can avoid the currency issue.Most likely the engine choices will be both gas and diesel for the US. The car will compete with Mini and well sell like hotcakes here in the US with gas soon to be $4.00 per gallon for regular.--

--I am worried Alfa is loosing focus on what's really important. They keep bragging about the mi's "8c Competizione-inspired styling". What I want is 8c Competizioneinspired ENGINEERING. I want rear wheel drive, preferably with a transaxle.

The new Mi may be great, but they should leave mini challenging to the Fiat 500 and focus on making a 350Z, RX8 killer. --

--The only reason I'd buy an Alfa was if I were in the market for a sports car...and lived outside of the USA in a country that sold them. If I needed a subcompact car I'd buy a Honda Fit or a Toyota Yaris. Oh my God...did I just compare an Alfa Romeo to a Honda Fit? This is truly a sad day.--

--From that article, it sounds as though Luce De Meo and the rest of Fiat is almost resentful that Alfa has such a prestigious racing history.

"People love it for its history," said Tiberio Santagatti, a director at a club of Alfa enthusiasts called Club Alfa Italia. "It's had so many racing victories."

For De Meo, that's just part of the problem.

The chief marketing officer for the group since September after three years as head of Fiat, he needs to position a premium product when his experience has been at the lower end of the market, at a time of waning consumer demand, and with no sign of a let-up in the competition.

The whole article has an apologetic tone. It admits that Alfa is not up to par with BMW or VW and admits that if Alfa is to be a volume brand it will have to survive on the sales strength of smaller, cheaper cars like the 149 and Junior. Oddly enough, it has always been Fiats strategy to make money on cars in the Junior/149 segment as well. So is the plan now for Alfa to become a second Fiat? I don't know how this is going to work at all.--

--Looks: Alfa wins !

Drive: Probably Mini wins!

Reliability/Quality: Most likely another Mini win over the MiTo

So take your pick - if current alfas are anything to go by,

they look good...especially when stationary...but beware of frequent breakdowns!--

--The Alfa Mi.To gets my vote. The styling is just so much more engaging than the

box that is the Mini.

It would be even more interesting if Abarth created a model along the lines

of the CooperS.--

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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Come volevasi dimostrare, un'accozzaglia di luoghi comuni su Alfa Romeo, dettata da reminiscenze degli anni 80 e da una totale ignoranza delle auto europee odierne.

Ci sarà da remare parecchio, da parte del marketing, della rete e dell'assistenza, per sfatare tanti falsi miti (odierni).

Speriamo che il nome per la US Specs lo cambino veramente...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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--This is coming to the USA right? Its an expensive Fiat Grande Punto--

questo è uno di Autopareri! :lol: :lol:

DDCT per 1.4 135cv e non per 1.8 SS. Deve essere ufficiale :lol:

DDCT sulla 1.8 magari non ci va per questioni di coooooppia.

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO


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è sicuramente un PDF fiat;)

questi sono tutti i motori che per ora sono previsti nel ciclo di vita della MiTo

ma non c'è traccia del 1.3 90cv che ho visto io stesso (su un altro pdf :))

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Mancano anche le versioni multiair dei diesel d del 1800 JTB, cmq in linea di massima ci siamo

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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--From that article, it sounds as though Luce De Meo and the rest of Fiat is almost resentful that Alfa has such a prestigious racing history.

"People love it for its history," said Tiberio Santagatti, a director at a club of Alfa enthusiasts called Club Alfa Italia. "It's had so many racing victories."

For De Meo, that's just part of the problem.

The chief marketing officer for the group since September after three years as head of Fiat, he needs to position a premium product when his experience has been at the lower end of the market, at a time of waning consumer demand, and with no sign of a let-up in the competition.

The whole article has an apologetic tone. It admits that Alfa is not up to par with BMW or VW and admits that if Alfa is to be a volume brand it will have to survive on the sales strength of smaller, cheaper cars like the 149 and Junior. Oddly enough, it has always been Fiats strategy to make money on cars in the Junior/149 segment as well. So is the plan now for Alfa to become a second Fiat? I don't know how this is going to work at all.--

Come non quotare questo sconosciuto appassionato americano?

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Come non quotare questo sconosciuto appassionato americano?

a parte che come dicevo sopra, il tizio (come altri, dai commenti) dimostra una profonda ignoranza del mercato in generale e di quello europeo in particolare (vedi medesima mossa bmw, audi, MB, etc etc), è esattamente quello che Alfa Romeo fece una prima volta nei primi anni 50, con la 1900, e poi ulteriormente nei primi '70 con Alfasud.

Non reinneschiamo i soliti triti quanto sterili e stucchevolissimi discorsi su questo argomento...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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Non reinneschiamo i soliti triti quanto sterili e stucchevolissimi discorsi su questo argomento...

Lungi da me l'idea! :D Solo che mi sembra di vedere un film già visto con protagonista un'altra marca del gruppo di più antica acquisizione... e che infatti adesso vende solo city car!

Ah, pardon, dimenticavo il nuovo oggetto del desiderio lancista... Freud lo spiegherebbe forse come desiderio di rimozione di un'esperienza traumatizzante. :D

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è sicuramente un PDF fiat;)

questi sono tutti i motori che per ora sono previsti nel ciclo di vita della MiTo

I colori forse....... sono codici fiat.

Le versioni sono inventate quasi sicuramente...... o almeno non sono codici che normalmente usa Fiat......:roll:

Bisogna guidare straniero per capire il "PIACERE DI GUIDA ITALIANO"

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