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to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the original 1961 Morris Mini Traveller, the British company has introduced a new special edition of the Clubman called Hampton. MINI has designed a new Reef Blue metallic color specially for this model, which also sports a silver color for the rooftop and door surrounds.

The exterior colors Pepper White, Midnight Black and Eclipse Grey can also be specified as an option, while Black and Reef Blue are available as contrast colors for the roof and C-pillars.

The Hampton also gets unique 17-inch Twin Spoke alloy wheels that can be ordered in either silver or black with a dark red trim ring, black headlamp surrounds, plus “Hampton” lettering on the B-pillar, door entry sills, side scuttles and radiator grille.

Inside, special features include the Black Lounge Leather seats with an “H” on the seat tags, red edging and contrast stitching in orange, the anthracite headliner, anthracite gauge faces and a matt dark red border on the central speedometer.

This Hampton special edition will be available for the MINI Cooper Clubman and MINI Cooper S Clubman models, with production to be limited to one year.


Non mi piace affatto!

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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