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Ma questo è un veicolo sul quale si è sempre in impennata!

Comunque è interessante, ti lascia le mani libere di fare altro..

che so... trasportare valigie, giocare al mototennis, imbracciare una telecamera, arbitrare, fare il giocoliere, vendemmiare..

...e giocare a tressette col morto.

Comunque mi sa che le mani non sono libere. Se noti ci sono due manopole (se ne vede solo una) sotto al cupolino che sta nella parte alta.

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The main power source is a hydrogen fuel cell. In stand-by configuration, the vehicles front wheels deploy to the ground like a jet plane landing gear to increase longitudinal stability.

A Rider-Friendly Vehicle

[...]With a riding position similar to a motorcycle, the EMBRIO uses a complex series of sensors and gyroscopes to balance one or more human passengers on a single wheel. Technology will be used to harness the laws of physics, with the gyroscopes and sensors, a high-performance braking system, active suspension, night vision and robotic assistance. A digitally encoded learning key will start the engine. To move forward, the rider activates a trigger on the left handlebar. The landing gear retracts when the speed reaches 20 km/h. To turn, the rider leans in the desired direction. The brake is activated by a trigger on the right handlebar. When the speed drops to 20 km/h again, the landing gear redeploys automatically. Even without the landing gear, the EMBRIO would be stable when motionless because of the gyroscope.


Dimensions and weight

124 cm x 70 cm x 120 cm

164 kg

Source: Bombardier

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