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sarà una mezza tremate...STA RITORNANDO.....:reddHappy:clap:b9

lo voglio CEO di Fiat pensa Lui......:lol:


Oliver Stone in for Fox's 'Wall Street' follow-up

Oliver Stone in for Fox's 'Wall Street' follow-up

Allan Loeb script pushes long-developing project forward

Wall Street's all the rage again -- literally. And Oliver Stone and Michael Douglas have decided they have more to say about it.

Stone has just closed a deal with Fox to direct the follow-up to "Wall Street," now tentatively called "Wall Street 2," with Douglas starring. This would provide an unusual amount of continuity since Stone directed and co-wrote, with Stanley Weiser, the original 1987 exploration of the inner workings of the finance sector and its complicated relationship with greed.

The plot line for the new "Wall Street" iteration has not been divulged, but it will pick up with corporate raider Gordon Gekko, the character for which Douglas won a best actor Oscar more than 20 years ago. Gekko's larger-than-life presence will once again loom over a younger upstart looking to navigate the shark-tank world of today's Wall Street.

Shia LaBeouf is in talks with the studio to take on the younger role. Stone and Co. hope to begin production over the summer.

Allan Loeb ("21," "The Baster") was hired to rewrite the long-developing project in the fall and has apparently turned in a script strong enough to corral Stone, who reportedly was very cool to the idea of a sequel. Ed Pressman, who produced the original film, is producing the follow-up as well.

The CAA-repped Stone most recently directed the biopic "W.," and before that helmed the Sept. 11 disaster drama "World Trade Center," which itself was a kind of tragic bookend to "Wall Street's" greed-is-good mantra. The new "Wall Street" project, with its up-to-the-minute placement in the context of the current global financial mess, should provide Stone with an ample palette for his typically provocative cultural commentary.

The Endeavor-repped Douglas last starred in the 2007 comedy "King of California." He co-stars in "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past," which opens Friday.

LaBeouf, who is repped by Endeavor and Crosby/Spilo Management, next stars in "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," which will be released June 24.

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Però il vero Wall Strett l'aveva anticipato la crisi economica :lol: non posticipata :mrgreen:

Ad ogni modo la "nius" girava già da alcuni mesi anche perchè Douglas si era detto fin da subito disponibile ;)

Mi stupisco che stiano parlando di quanti film gli fanno fare a 'sto ragazzo ?



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Però il vero Wall Strett l'aveva anticipato la crisi economica :lol: non posticipata :mrgreen:

Ad ogni modo la "nius" girava già da alcuni mesi anche perchè Douglas si era detto fin da subito disponibile ;)

Mi stupisco che stiano parlando di quanti film gli fanno fare a 'sto ragazzo ?

Cmq l'han centrata che parte come trama a giugno 08...epoi.....:mrgreen:.....non voglio spoilerare ma cmq Gekko è uscito di galera....:D

Shia LeBeouf? sta facendo la carriera di Tom Cruise nei primi 80' non fa boiate è una superstar del prossimo decennio...;)

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