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quanto ti piace LaFerrari?  

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. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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chi sa a quando un confronto tra le 3

E' una delle tante foto rilasciate da Top Gear negli ultimi tre giorni: è si tratta proprio di un confronto a tre condotto dalla rivista tra l'11 ed il 13 novembre, se non sbaglio, in Italia dalle parti di Maranello. Tutte e tre le auto sono di proprietà delle rispettive case madri. Questo è il resoconto con verdetto annesso:

LaFerrari vs McLaren P1 vs Porsche 918: the verdict - BBC Top Gear

LaFerrari vs McLaren P1 vs Porsche 918: the verdict

After two days in Italy, the TG mag team have picked their winners. Which hypercar wins?

Posted: 14 Nov 2014


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So here we are at last. After 48 hours of intensive/gruelling/pinch-me-is-this-actually-happening road-testing, we've come to the end of the ultimate hypercar showdown: LaFerrari vs McLaren P1 vs Porsche 918 Spyder. Three hypercars that define this era, tested in a whole range of road conditions over two days.

And now it's decision time. If you followed our live road-test here, you'll know that each of the three contenders shone in its own unique way at different points over our two days of hard driving.

Truth is, if you're one of the absurdly lucky millionaires preparing to take delivery of any one of these hypercars in your titanium-skinned underground lair, you'll be delighted with your purchase. Each of these cars fulfils a subtly different brief, and each does its own thing in utterly superlative fashion.

But which is best? Depends who you ask, and when. As Italy's weather and roads changed, we veered from car to car, and so the conclusions that follow represent each tester's personal verdict.

Disclaimers over. Without further ado, click on for Charlie Turner's verdict. Check back later today for the assessments of Messrs Ford and Marriage.................

Indovinate chi ha vinto ???????? :mrgreen:

P.S.: è una domanda retorica......:lol:

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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E' una delle tante foto rilasciate da Top Gear negli ultimi tre giorni: è si tratta proprio di un confronto a tre condotto dalla rivista tra l'11 ed il 13 novembre, se non sbaglio, in Italia dalle parti di Maranello. Tutte e tre le auto sono di proprietà delle rispettive case madri. Questo è il resoconto con verdetto annesso:

LaFerrari vs McLaren P1 vs Porsche 918: the verdict - BBC Top Gear

Indovinate chi ha vinto ???????? :mrgreen:

P.S.: è una domanda retorica......:lol:

Io non lo davo troppo per scontato questo risultato

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