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Lotus City Car Concept (Foto Ufficiali)

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The smallest and most niche member of Lotus’s incredible new six-strong range of luxury sports and GT models is this city car.

The Lotus City Car concept is based on the Proton EMAS, revealed at the Geneva motor show earlier this year. The concept is the least likely of the new Lotuses to make production, but if it does, it will reach dealerships in 2014 priced from around £20,000.

The City Car would either be a full all-electric plug-in car or a range-extender hybrid, with a 1.2-litre petrol engine acting as a Chevrolet Volt-style generator for the electric drivetrain when it runs out of charge.

The rear wheels would be driven through a one-speed gearbox with a six-step simulated manual mode. It should be capable of 0-62mph in less than 9.0sec and 0-31mph in less than 4.5sec.

Sono sconvolto..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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in effetti 'ste inglesine in mani asiatiche (vedi anche Land Rover con l'Evoque) stanno facendo grandi cose, segno che mancavano solo i capitali e un po' di razionalizzazione, il know c'era! :)

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