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Audi S6


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scusate, ma questa dovrebbe essere la S6 non la rs6. Rs6 è il sito da cui provengono le immagini credo...

So I spent one day at Nürburgring, at the industrial day when car manufacturers test their cars. I brought my camera to see if there were any interesting cars to shoot.

I see an Audi A6 that looks ordinary, but sounds very special.

The track was full of V10 cars. M6, Gallardos and...the Audi S6.

I manage to get a fist look at it and note the exhaust had quad-pipes.

Beware. The car might look like an ordinary Audi A6, but the sound is amazing. Sounds just like the BMW M5

I also managed to see the Q7 and many other interesting cars.

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