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Audi A3 3p Facelift


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The Audi A3 is to be grilled! A face-lifted version of the car will be launched at the Geneva Motor Show and we have photos of it!

Audi is set to bring the A3's front design in line with the rest of the carmaker's line-up as the A3 is due to get the same nose treatment as other Audi models.

And the good news is that Audi South Africa says owners of current cars will be able to upgrade to the new look "at a low cost".

The face-lifted Audi will now also feature the carmaker's trapezoidal single-frame grille design which is already available on the A3 Sportback, new A4 and A6.

Wheels24 can also reveal that the new-look Audi A3 will go on sale in South Africa in July.

At the same time Audi South Africa will expand the A3 range with the introduction of the 2.0 T FSI model.

This turbo A3, which will be available with manual and DSG transmissions, has a power output of 147 kW while torque is 280 Nm.


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