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No you can normally compare the floorpans of different brands all use the same type of measurement don't be confused by the fact that other announce daNM/rad or NM/rad or KGM/rad or KGM/deg or lb.ft/deg or lb.ft/rad is very simple to compare and find how many lb.ft/deg are X KGM/rad for example.

Mr Taurus i mean that we don't know if all these brands use the same norm of measurement....for example we don't know if the cargo acts in the same point of the chassis during the measurement.You say that it is not a norm type din,sae or ece....what kind of norm it is and does anyone knows how the procedure is done?

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Is it true that in Italy the total sales of Bmw e46 are three times more than 156(from 1997-launch)?

absolutely not....i initiate from 1998 that was the first full year of 156 which was introduced in october 1997 in the Italian market.

Italian market

year alfa 156 bmw 3*

1998 49.364 19.113*

1999 43.649 25.302*

2000 42.753 30.899*

2001 38.500 30.796*

2002 27.109 32.237*

2003 28.036 29.723*

2004 22.599 20.652*

totale 252.010 188.722*

*BMW 3 series are not 4door/touring only but include also compact,coupe' and cabrio models.

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un attimo...l'analisi non e' corretta perche avendo tre versioni lanciate successivamente compact coupe' e cabrio era certo che avrebbe alzato i volumi a meta' carriera...poi nel 1998 nemeno 3 berlina era a regime....comunque se vedi bene la graffica negli ultimi 3 anni maggiore flessione ha avuto la BMW....che e' passata da 32.237 a 20.652...poi fine serie vendeva piu' alfa 156...come vedi nel 2004..e le vendite 156 non includono la 156 compact che e; la 147 ne l'alfa GT...

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