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Stabilimento Fiat in Canada?

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La sparo grossa:500 potrebbe sfruttare anche la promozione di un'eventuale Cars 2 (che non so se ci sara' ma considerato il successo del primo...)...

Chiedete al rospo che cosa sia la bellezza e vi risponderà che è la femmina del rospo.

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La sparo grossa:500 potrebbe sfruttare anche la promozione di un'eventuale Cars 2 (che non so se ci sara' ma considerato il successo del primo...)...

Si dice che dovrebbe uscire per il 2012... ;)

"But before the most charismatic car maker of them all finally went, they left us with a final reminder of what they can do, when they try" (Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear)

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No, era "Coma profondo", del 1978 o giù di lì ;)

coma profondo: gran film!

Ma l'ultima Alfa in USA importata ufficialmente è stata 164?

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO


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  • 2 settimane fa...

Giusto, era proprio "Coma Profondo", e la 131 azzurra aveva i "paraurtono" tipici USA!

Qualcuno invece ha mai visto, in qualche film americano, la Lancia Beta Berlina (Sedan per loro)?

Tornando in topic (scusate per l'ot), son veramente contento che le "nostre" auto, facciano bella mostra di se, come un tempo, anche in America!!!

Ciao Forum!luca77

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coma profondo: gran film!

Ma l'ultima Alfa in USA importata ufficialmente è stata 164?

Si, direi che la 164 è stata l'ultima.. io ne ricordo di averne vista una nel 1990...

Giusto, era proprio "Coma Profondo", e la 131 azzurra aveva i "paraurtono" tipici USA!

Qualcuno invece ha mai visto, in qualche film americano, la Lancia Beta Berlina (Sedan per loro)?

Non ricordo Beta berlina in film americani, ma Beta coupè e in particolare una Beta spider la ricordo in una puntata di cuore e batticuore, poi la Beta Montecarlo protagonista ovviamente nel film Herbie-Il maggiolino

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May 21, 2008 04:30 AM

Caroline Mallan

In London

Robert Benzie

In Toronto

Some tourists go to Italy for great deals on Gucci or Prada garb, but Premier Dalton McGuinty is hoping to bring back a far more valuable souvenir.

McGuinty is meeting today in Turin with senior officials from auto giant Fiat in a bid to secure a new car plant that would aid Ontario's struggling manufacturing sector.

"We've heard that Fiat has at least a high-level interest in a new North American assembly plant, so I'm going to meet with them directly, let them know that if they are contemplating doing that, we are very interested and we bring a lot to the table," the premier said in London.

"We've got the best auto workers in North America, we've got a wonderful centre of excellence when it comes to auto production and some of the spinoffs that flow from that, and we've got a government that has been aggressively pursuing auto investment for nearly five years now," he said.

"I know that there's lots of competition. We're just going to go there and give it our best shot. We'll see what comes from that."

McGuinty said Fiat has not set a deadline for its new factory, which will likely build high-end Alfa Romeo cars for the lucrative North American market, but emphasized Ontario auto workers have experience making luxury automobiles.

He noted the province is the only place outside Japan where Toyota manufactures Lexus vehicles.

While McGuinty declined to say whom at Fiat he is meeting, the company's CEO is Sergio Marchionne, an Italian-Canadian raised in Toronto and educated there and in Windsor. Marchionne is credited with a spectacular turnaround at Fiat, which also owns Ferrari, Maserati and Lancia.

But Economic Development and Trade Minister Sandra Pupatello said yesterday the CEO's Canadian connections are unlikely to boost Ontario's chances of landing a new factory.

That's why McGuinty will be selling the province's merits as the largest auto-making jurisdiction in North America and touting the Highway 401 "auto belt" that stretches from Windsor to Oshawa.

"We have five of the top world auto makers in Ontario and there's no other jurisdiction that can boast that," said Pupatello, referring to General Motors, Toyota, Ford, Honda, and Chrysler.

"These top guys understand why clusters are so important because at the end it's about the workforce," she said from Windsor.

Another improbable Ontario advantage is climate – even against the U.S. "sunbelt" states expected to seek the Alfa Romeo plant.

"Are you going in a tornado zone or are you going where there's a consistent climate that hasn't lost one day of production because of the weather?" said Pupatello.

The province's auto industry has been hit by bad news lately. Last week, General Motors said it will close its Windsor transmission plant, ending 1,400 jobs, in 2010. Last month, the firm said 1,000 workers at its Oshawa truck plant will lose their jobs in September

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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