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Recensione della Quattroporte su Los Angeles Times

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Los Angeles Times rates the Quattroporte as sensational

Writing in the Los Angeles Times on 11 February, Dan Neil proclaims the new Quattroporte as sensational.

The new model will not be available in the United States until September but, as Neil states, like a classic work of art, it is as if it has always been around.

Noble, comfortable, blessed with a spacious cabin and high quality finish, the Quattroporte recalls the Europe of old in its internal and external design. The horizontal chrome grille wears the Maserati trident with pride. The harmony of the well-balanced proportions and the flowing, clean lines lend the flagship model an air of power and energy.

Dan Neil was thrilled by the Quattroporte experience during the international test drive series organised recently on the hilly roads of Chianti. The 5.2 seconds the car takes from 0-100 pass fluidly.

The chassis seems to be made of granite, eliminating the possibility of any unexpected excess movement. The steering is precise and, if driven in ‘sport’ mode, an entertaining drive is assured.

Wrapping up his article, Neil asserts that "the Quattroporte is the reason to celebrate another Italian comeback".

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