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5oo a Termini Imerese?

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Italian press reports, Fiat Group Automobiles is reportedly considering plans to launch production of the hugely successful Fiat 500 supermini at the Termini Imerese, Sicily, plant, allegedly looking to make the Italian site more competitive again and enhance its much-criticised quality.

Currently making the Lancia Ypsilon small car, Termini Imerese may soon add a third shift, but more importantly, there have been strong rumours the company might add one or even two new car models to the Sicilian plant. Prior to assembling the new Ypsilon the factory built the Fiat Punto, and during the middle years of this decade its existence was put in doubt. Apart from current production of the new Ypsilon, the site may also start building Fiat's successful Panda or 500 products, currently built in Tychy, Poland.

Launched to much critical acclaim earlier this year, the Fiat 500 this month scooped the 'Car of the Year 2008' award, and is enjoying robust customer interest in Italy and beyond. More than 105,000 orders were taken in just four months in only two countries (Italy and France), while interest continues to grow in the rest of Europe: for example: 6,300 orders have already been placed in Germany where the car went on sale just a few weeks ago


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Ma soprattutto...attendibilità? :? E ipotizzando che le cose stiano effettivamente così, si può supporre che la scelta sia dovuta alla necessità di aumentare la produzione visto il successo del modello. E non potendo aumentarla in Polonia, dove altro potrebbero insediare una linea produttiva? A Melfi? ...O magari a Mirafiori? :? Non fasciamoci inutilmente la testa, dai...


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Guest DESMO16
perchè non dovrebbe esserlo, cosa cambia? mica le 500 fatte in sicilia saranno peggiori o + costose di quelle polacche.

o no... :)

..avrei qualche dubbio in proposito, speriamo di no..

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