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Lada Revolution Concept (Foto Ufficiali)


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diciamo un'ortocugina....

Il basamento pero' dei bialbero LAmpredi che arrivava a 2000 era diverso dal bialbero 124

( alesaggio per corsa 84x90, 84x79.2 84x71.5 ) cilindrate 1585 1756 1995

Il Fiatovsky credo derivi dall'altra versione quella con

( alesaggio per corsa 80x79.2 80x71.5 ) 1592 1438

se non da quello con 76 mm di alesaggio.

Portrlo a 2000 e' un po' difficile...:)

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.

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82 e' un'alesaggio mai usato in potrebbe anche essere

Solo che dovresti avere una corsa oltre i 90 mm per avere un 2000...

diciamo pero' che ad un 1800 ci arrivi

Saranno andati un pò di lima a tempo perso :D

Visti i numeri nei mercati dell'est (parlo della berlina) ed in particolare di quello interno.....una ulteriore evoluzione per portarlo a € 5 potrebbe valere.

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  • 2 mesi fa...
Russia’s Lada Revolution 3 will be tested on the Nürburgring

AvtoVaz introduced the Lada Revolution 3 at the Paris Motor Show. We were quit sure that this is the last time we will hear about this concept, but as it turns out Russians are already working on the actual prototype. This prototype will likely be ready by Frankfurt Motor Show.

AvotVaz has big plans as they will be testing the protoype on the famous Nübrugring race track. To our knowledge this is going the be the first car by Russian automakers, that will be tested on the Nürburgring.

Sounds interesting how it looks compared to the concept, and of course how it handles the famous ring compared to other sports cars. According to power comes from a 2.0-liter turbocharged Renault engine, that produces 245 hp. Car weighs less than one ton and should accelerate from 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) in 5.9 seconds. Russians are comparing its performance to Porsche Cayman. Only time will tell what are the real life numbers and how it compares to the Cayman on ring times.

Currently AvtoVaz has not confirmed any plans about future production and prices. However, they hope the car can be produced in a limited series.



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