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[China] Yulon Luxgen MPV Concept


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Taiwan's Yulon Group is no stranger to car business; it has joint ventures with Nissan, General Motors and several Chinese automakers. But just as their countrymen on the mainland Yulon wants to go for it alone. This is their first, the Luxgen MPV.

The name is a bit kitschy but will likely do well in Asia. The Luxgen MPV will conquer Taiwan first and eventually attack the mainland. For that it will be locally produced in Hangzhou city in Zhejiang Province by a new joint venture.

It will have to compete with the ancient Buick GL8, several Chery's and Geely's that will be launched soon, Volkswagens Sharan and the very popular Honda Odyssey. Prices for the Made in China car will start around 22.000 US dollar.

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Guadagna nettamente con la seconda calandra simil-honda nascosta; peccato sia solo cammuffatura.

Stesso discorso per lo spigolo sotto il faro. Le starebbe bene se ci fosse davvero, ma purtroppo è solo il gioco di colori creato dalla cammuffatura.

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