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First-ever Woman to Score a Victory for Maserati!


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TV presenter Vicki Butler-Henderson, together with co-driver Matthew Marsh, won the third round of the Trofeo Maserati Vodafone at Silverstone on Sunday. Vicki is the first-ever woman to score a victory for the Trident Marque, which made for a happy coincidence – Maria Teresa de Filippis, who raced a Maserati 250F in the Fifties, had been invited to hand the trophy to the winner.

An ecstatic Vicki was drenched with champagne by fellow Maserati drivers Matthew Marsh (her co-driver), Maurizio Fabris and Joe Macari (second) and the Italian duo Petrini-Grimoldi (third), who shared the podium with her. A smiling Vicki said: ‘It’s probably one of the best days of my life – after all these years of competing it was amazing to win such a prestigious race, especially at Silverstone and on the day of the British Grand Prix. It doesn’t get much better than this!’ Butler-Henderson and Marsh were driving the Maserati Trofeo VIP car, sponsored by Italian fashion label Ermenegildo Zegna.

Back in the paddock, supermodel Jodie Kidd was on hand to congratulate Vicki and Matthew on their victory. Jodie is no stranger to the Maserati Trofeo racer herself, having driven the coupe as part of her training for an International racing licence. She has already completed 50 laps in the Trofeo at the Ferrari-owned Mugello race circuit in Italy, posting a very promising 2 min 20 sec time by the end of the session. Her aim is to compete in the Trofeo series within the next year.



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Grande Vicky!!! :D :D :D

sei il mio mito! :D

ciao ciao!

"Fico, io ti rispondo che al buio tutti i gatti sembrano leopardi e che non bisogna mai comprare un gatto in un sacco. C'entrano qualcosa? Probabilmente no, esattamente come la tua metafora." [Loric]

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E' una grande .. quando ha provato la 156GTA a fifth gear era impressionante come la guidava (per non parlare di quando ha provato la 360CS!!)


Equipment: Nikon D700 | 20 g2.8 AF-D | 35 f2 AF-D | 50 f1.8 AF-D | 60 f2.8 Micro AF-S | 85 f1.8 AF-D | 70-300 f4-5.6 AF-S | SB400 | SB600 | Nikon D50 | 18-70 f3.5-4.5 AF-S |

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