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BMW taglia 8000 posti

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Ultimamente stanno venendo fuori un po' troppe notizie finanziarie su BMW,prima i casini con i fornitori,poi il valore dell'usato,adesso questa...Non mi paiono segnali positivi...

BMW stava diventando una macchina di fare soldi e piu niente, vedremo se il produto non sofrera con questa scelta...

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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Mathias Schmidt, a spokesman at the Munich-based company, did not say exactly how many thousands of jobs would be cut. The Der Spiegel news magazine Web site put the figure at 8,000.

Schmidt said that most of the cuts would come in Germany, where the company employs some 80,000 workers. Those likely to have their jobs eliminated are mostly temporary workers, but some permanent workers would be affected as well.

In Germany, the company has between 6,000 and 8,000 temporary workers. Worldwide, BMW employs just under 108,000 workers, according to company figures.

BMW said in September it would put "all cost structures to the test" and continue to standardize processes to reduce costs for each vehicle in development, production, sales and administration.

It said then that it was targeting a rise in productivity of at least 5 percent per year, and CEO Norbert Reithofer declared that "we will focus the entire organization on the return on capital."

Investors welcomed the move at BMW, pushing its shares up 5.2 percent to close at 42.52 euros ($61.06) in Frankfurt.

BMW, whose brands include its namesake luxury cars along with the Mini and Rolls-Royce brands as well as motorcycles, earned 2.1 billion euros ($3 billion) in the first nine months of 2007, down 2 percent from 2.18 billion euros in 2006.

It attributed the slip to costs related to new market launches for models and production startups, as well as higher costs for raw materials and the "development of even more efficient and fuel-saving engines and the ongoing weakness of the U.S. dollar and Japanese yen."

Nine-month sales rose 11.1 percent to 40.4 billion euros (nearly $58 billion) from 36.3 billion euros in 2006.

The European Central Bank's president warned this week that high prices will persist longer than expected. Year-on-year inflation in November rose to 3.1 percent in nations that use the euro, the fastest surge in six years as energy and foods such as milk and cereals became more expensive.

The euro has also surged against the dollar, threatening to make products of German exporters like BMW more expensive.

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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Mathias Schmidt, a spokesman at the Munich-based company, did not say exactly how many thousands of jobs would be cut. The Der Spiegel news magazine Web site put the figure at 8,000.

Schmidt said that most of the cuts would come in Germany, where the company employs some 80,000 workers. Those likely to have their jobs eliminated are mostly temporary workers, but some permanent workers would be affected as well.

In Germany, the company has between 6,000 and 8,000 temporary workers. Worldwide, BMW employs just under 108,000 workers, according to company figures.

BMW said in September it would put "all cost structures to the test" and continue to standardize processes to reduce costs for each vehicle in development, production, sales and administration.

It said then that it was targeting a rise in productivity of at least 5 percent per year, and CEO Norbert Reithofer declared that "we will focus the entire organization on the return on capital."

Investors welcomed the move at BMW, pushing its shares up 5.2 percent to close at 42.52 euros ($61.06) in Frankfurt.

BMW, whose brands include its namesake luxury cars along with the Mini and Rolls-Royce brands as well as motorcycles, earned 2.1 billion euros ($3 billion) in the first nine months of 2007, down 2 percent from 2.18 billion euros in 2006.

It attributed the slip to costs related to new market launches for models and production startups, as well as higher costs for raw materials and the "development of even more efficient and fuel-saving engines and the ongoing weakness of the U.S. dollar and Japanese yen."

Nine-month sales rose 11.1 percent to 40.4 billion euros (nearly $58 billion) from 36.3 billion euros in 2006.

The European Central Bank's president warned this week that high prices will persist longer than expected. Year-on-year inflation in November rose to 3.1 percent in nations that use the euro, the fastest surge in six years as energy and foods such as milk and cereals became more expensive.

The euro has also surged against the dollar, threatening to make products of German exporters like BMW more expensive.

Tutto fa perfettamente senso.

Tagliare i costi nel research o a rischio della qualita' farebbe molto meno senso.

A me sembra tutto sotto controllo.

La parola adesso passa alla BCE perche' la sovravvalutazione dell'euro

colpira' tutte le industrie europee e separera' the big boys from the small boys


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