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Aston Martin AMV8 Vantage spyshots

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At the 2003 Detroit auto show, Aston Martin proudly showed its AMV8 Vantage concept car. Although it was a "concept" at that time, Aston Martin spokesmen made it quite clear that this model was destined for production. Now these latest photos show a prototype of this new Aston Martin undergoing high-speed testing at Germany 's famous Nürburgring racetrack.

The AMV8 Vantage will be priced lower than other Aston Martin's, and is intended to sell in larger volumes. Still, with a price well over $100,000 this will not be a bargain-basement vehicle. It is instead a high-performance car that sets it sights on competing with Porsche and Ferrari.

The new AMV8 Vantage will be smaller than the Aston Martin DB7 and Vanquish models, and will be strictly a two-seater inside. Powering the AMV8 Vantage will be a 4.3-liter V-8 engine. The powertrain will be front-engine and rear-drive, and will use a rear-mounted transmission to help it achieve a near-50/50 weight balance.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Ok che è superato... ma cambierà così tanto per due o tre punti percentuali? E poi AM non ha mai puntato ad essere la più veloce, la più prestazionale. Anche solo a giudicare da questi esemplari camuffati, direi che ha ben altre frecce nel suo arco.

Speriamo piuttosto che la massa complessiva non sia eccessiva.

Chi è più criminale, chi tiranneggia il suo popolo, o chi prima finanzia il tiranno, e poi rimpiazza la dittatura con l'anarchia?

(Niall Ferguson, trad. Rita Baldassarre, Corriere Della Sera 02/01/2007)

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