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Volkswagen Tiguan (Spy)


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da germancarfans







Baby Touareg Crosses our path

Look out Land Rover – VW is stalking your new Freelander! These are the first ever pictures of the firm's entry into the compact SUV market, the Tiguan. And don't be fooled by the comical badge on the grille – we caught this model undergoing final development in Finland. The shots reveal how the styling is influenced by its Touareg big brother.

However, a rakish stance gives the new SUV a sportier look. And behind the disguise lies a much bolder face, derived from the Concept-A show car seen at the Geneva expo in March. It features an H-shaped chrome grille, distinctive lights and deep air intakes. Chunky C pillars and Touareg-style tail­lamps finish off the rear, which is also likely to feature a split tailgate.

Under the skin is a platform derived from the current Golf, with toughened suspension, a raised ride height and a four-wheel-drive system that's a development of the firm's 4MOTION set-up.

Inside, there's a high-level console which incorporates an LCD screen to control the sat-nav and stereo. As with rivals such as Toyota's RAV4 and the Honda CR-V, the Tiguan seats five. Power will be taken from a choice of engines, including FSI and TSI petrols, plus TDI diesel units. The wraps come off the newcomer at Geneva next year, and a starting price of 14 000 Euros is likely.

Corpo simil touran, muso e coda suppongo in puro stile tamarro delle ultime vw e interni golf plus..... mha :roll:


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Se il design sarà ispirato alla Tuareg c'è poco da essere allegri. La Plancia è uguale a quella della Golf Plus.

"That's the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen."

Charles Bukowski (Women)

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Se il design sarà ispirato alla Tuareg c'è poco da essere allegri. La Plancia è uguale a quella della Golf Plus.

Il frontale dovrebbe essere ispirato alla Concept A, come mostrato anche da uno schizzo di qualche tempo fa... la fiancata invece l'avranno presa da un furgone per quanto è brutta...

Se parli con Dio, sei religioso.

Se ti risponde pure... sei psicotico!

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Il vero problema è che WW ha in listino WWPlus, Touran, Touareg ed ora Tiguan...un'ampia scelta tra SUV e Monovolume, per non dire di Q7 e Q5 (in arrivo) della sorella Audi.

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Considerata l'incidenza che hanno queste vetture sul mercato mi sembra un bell'autogol...

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