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Porsche 911 Facelift (Spy)


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We have seen spy photos of the coming facelift for the 997

before, but this is the first time we see pictures of the face lifted Targa.

Just released into the market in November 2006, the Targa will likely get the new look at the same time as the rest of the 997 line-up. Fresh looking new bumper with smaller indicators and LED daylight driving lights almost integrated in the enlarged air intakes in the front, redesigned taillights with LEDs in the back.

The bumper in the back also looks slightly different. From the technical side, Porsche is adding a range of new direct-injection engines. This results in fuel economy savings of over 10 %. Also anticipated is a power increase of 20-25 hp. Expect Porsche to show the new 997s at the IAA in Frankfurt this September as a 2008 model



 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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  • 1 mese fa...
Beh, che un faro con una linea leggermente diversa la faccia divenatre "un aborto", mi sembra un pò eccessivo...

eccessivo si.. ma è riferito giusto all'intervento che vanno a fare, che mi sembra stupido e insignificante, almeno quello sul faro posteriore.. cmq ho reso l'idea.. :D


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