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[China] Alleanze Fiat in Cina

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La omologheranno com minubus 12 posti laggiù?:D

:) comunque nei miliardi di cinesi che ci sono non dimentichiamo che ce n'e' anche di alti come noi ;)

so che la Multipla verra' usata come mezzo di trasporto per le olimpiadi. Gia' ora viene inviato materiale dall' Italia e li assemblato. Per ora si parla di numeri bassi ma... non si sa mai...

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okkio che Multipla (mk1), come Lybra, non viene venduta come Fiat/Lancia ma con il marchio locale TechNew. Avranno anche alcune differenze tipo fari e calandra, chiaramente.

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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Gli stampi di multila devono essere ormai bollitissimi e scentrati come pochi...:)

10 a 1 che però tempo 6 mesi e usciranno più allineate le loro di quanto siano mai state le nostre.....


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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  • 2 mesi fa...
Fiat has nothing to sell until summer 08!

Fiat is possibly most famous for turning itself around, from being an ailing sick motoring company with a poor reputation for quality, into one of the best selling brands in Europe in less than ten years. If Fiat is so good at revitilizing itself, we would like to see how they are going to get out of this latest hole. After breaking up their joint venture cooperation with Nanjing Autos, and signing up with Chery, Fiat has found itself with no cars to sell to the Chinese markets in the time being.

To put another nail in Fiats China coffin, over 40 dealers have left the once 100 branch strong dealer network. Fiat China currently has 55 dealerships in China, but with nothing left to sell, and bills to pay, will any of the dealers stay on board? Possibly not. Currently many of the dealers have sold out their Fiat stock, some have imported Fiat models, and some have no stock. Imported Grande Punto, Linea and Bravo models are expected to go on the market in China by June/July 2008, which may be too late for many Fiat dealers.

The new Fiat boss for China, Mr. Arpellino, has broadcast a message on the Fiat Chinese website outlining Fiats plans for China in 2008, and asking current Fiat customers to rest at ease since the NAC/Fiat joint venture has ended.

However, the Fiat Linea is not expected to be made in China until 2009. Can Fiat China make up for lost ground in 09/10? We hope so. We always like to root for the underdog.


Nel più grande mercato in espansione il Gruppo Fiat non vende nulla per 6 mesi...

Comunque su appaiono come modelli Bravo, Grande Punto e Linea. Ma no le Palio e le Siena vendute fin'ora.

PS. Per i moderatori Il titolo è da completare con [Cina] ;)

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