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Quello è Gimmo coi soldi.

anzi no, mancano le scarpe verdi.


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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Ho solo una domanda: che scommessa ha perso?

con Jacky Stewart forse?:pen:

"Non ti ho tradito, dico sul serio. Ero rimasto senza benzina, avevo una gomma a terra, non avevo i soldi per prendere il taxi, la tintoria non mi aveva portato il tait, c'era il funerale di mia madre, era crollata la casa, c'è stato un terremoto, una tremenda inondazione, le cavalette, non è stata colpa mia, lo giuro su Dio!!"

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Drive with a McLaren P1 Owner as He Buys Ferrari LaFerrari and Porsche 918 Spyder - Video

Remember that British businessman who managed to build up the perfect hybrid hypercar combo in the same day, driving from one dealership to the other in a stunning million-dollar shopping spree? Here’s the video that documented the rare event as this lucky man drove a McLaren P1 to the dealerships only to pick up a Ferrari LaFerrari and a Porsche 918 Spyder and bring them all home.

The perfect combo was what people in the industry called Paul Bailey’s car collection, since the Briton millionaire managed to become any petrolhead’s idol. Let’s face it, is there any driver that doesn’t think owning the world’s best three hybrid hypercars is probably the best thing that can happen?

Bailey began his venture jumping in a McLaren P1 along with his wife and drove 35 miles from his home to a Ferrari dealership in Nottingham. There, he’d make his wife happy letting her take over the wheel of the hypercar. Meanwhile Paul would take his first trip with the one of only 499 Ferrari LaFerrari. If for the McLaren he waited about 12 months, it took almost two years for the Italian supercar to be ready for delivery.

As if the two weren’t already the happiest couple on the planet, they then drove for another 100 miles to reach a Porsche dealership in Cambridge. Here, the missing piece, namely the 918 Spyder, would join the crew.

UK’s eccentric Supercar Driver - an exclusive club for owners of the rarest rides on the market - were the ones to document the entire experience and they recently released the whole video.

Apart from some impressive footage with the cars themselves, Bailey is also giving viewers some insight on what owning such a car collection feels like and what it’s really all about.

PS: In case you’re wondering where all the money comes from, we’ll remind you that his wife and Bailey got quite rich after they sold their telephone conferencing business for £28 million ($42,5 million).
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Koala Commits Heinous Crime Of Grand Theft Awwwww-to

Koala Commits Heinous Crime Of Grand Theft Awwwww-to

Jason Torchinsky


Jason Torchinsky


If you live in the rural areas of Victoria, Australia, be warned: at least one koala bear has been spotted attempting to steal a car. While the plot was foiled by 15-year old Sam Box, authorities state that the koala is freaking adorable and is considered extremely huggable. You've been warned.

The Koala was found clinging to the steering wheel of the Land Rover the Box family uses on their 200-acre sheep farm. Based on the koala's position in the car, investigators suspect that the koala was waiting for one or two accomplices to operate the pedals and gearshift.The koala left the scene without incident and remains at large, and still seems to have an intense, adorable desire to drive.


. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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