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Opel Agila (Spy)


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Here is another set showing a prototype of the upcoming Opel Agila replacement during secret testing in northern Scandinavia. The test crew included some engineers from Suzuki due to the Agila being developed in co-operation with Opel and Suzuki.

Despite the very loose disguise of the prototype, one can see more this time. The disguise over the front end blew away during the fast drive, so at least it reveals a glimpse of the new styling. The new Agila is going to be an all new car with a new design, as can be seen on the computer rendered photo. Another picture from our files has a view of the new dashboard.

The microvan will again use transversely mounted engines. Power is expected to come again from two fuel engines between 60 and 80 HP and one 1.3 litre turbodiesel delivering 70 HP. A concept car for the next Agila is going to debut at this fall’s Frankfurt Motor Show.


Impossibile.. 1 altro ps fatto bene...

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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