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Energy Catalyzer, fusione a freddo italiana


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Comunque 150 W sarebbero pochini per ottenere quel risultato, servirebbe almeno uno zero in più ;)

In ogni caso una spiegazione avrebbe dovuto darla.

Alfiat Bravetta senza pomello con 170 cavalli asmatici che vanno a broda; pack "Terrone Protervo" (by Cosimo) contro lo sguardo da triglia. Questa è la "culona".

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Altro colpo di scena nella saga ECAT, la famosa DEFKALION annuncia il suo prodotto HYperion, basato su tecnologia Rossi.

Tanto popcorn in attesa di un Rossi furioso!!! Oppure di un altro colpo di scena...... che casino stà storia..... :mrgreen: • View topic - Defkalion GT announcement (10/10/2011)

The technological breakthrough of LENR (or CANR) is no longer speculation. It is a fact that will eventually change the world’s energy problems and its sociopolitical divides through cheap, clean and green energy. The world needs LENR as a new energy source. Although change will not happen over-night, LENR will help reduce CO2 emissions, lower the cost of energy, and provide longevity to our planet’s energy needs.

Defkalion sees its role with responsibility and asks the community at large to continue its support.

Defkalion has:

• Enhanced technology and engineering on Rossi’s invention or similar inventions

• Prepared business models for international expansion

• Established a strong network of global contacts

• Prepared legislative and certification procedures

• Ensured national, regional and international network in politics and business

• Prepared global financing

Defkalion has worked in close partnership with Andrea Rossi for a very long time to prepare a commercially viable and industrially applicable product using his invention. Defkalion invested a lot of money to evolve Rossi’s E-Cat lab prototype into its Hyperion product. Defkalion is now at the stage where its industrial prototype is ready for production.

Defkalion has held direct business discussions with 62 interested companies who visited our offices in Greece and witnessed our work. Small industry and large energy players internationally were all impressed by our progress in technology and engineering. More are still coming. Despite this phenomenal progress, Defkalion never made promises.

Our aim has always been to inform and demonstrate to public our progress when the final product is ready for use, thereby avoiding any speculations.

Today, Hyperion engineering has completed version 7. We were surprised to see our old designs used in public testing. We were confused why our old designs were implemented wrongly, as well as witnessing insufficient use of instruments and testing protocols. We also identified confidential (yet shown in public) special instruments designed in collaboration with Rossi and prepared by Defkalion. (NdR: ecco il famoso scatolotto a RF!!) These actions have already paved the way for more negative criticism (unworthy) against the inventor, which do not give credibility to his important work.

The plethora of positive and negative comments is not helpful, as pointed out recently on the Vortex mail archive:


Defkalion fully supports and endorses this technology. Our mission is to introduce this technology on a global scale, responsibly. To date, we have self-financed all R&D and business development phases without asking for a single penny from anyone (private or public). We will soon be ready to announce the results of our extensive R&D with Hyperion final products.

Athens, October 10th, 2011

Defkalion GT S.A.

Modificato da Maxwell61
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Ma non avevano "divorziato"? O mi sono confuso con Desperate Housewives? :pen:

Lo stanno producendo con o senza Rossi?

Alfiat Bravetta senza pomello con 170 cavalli asmatici che vanno a broda; pack "Terrone Protervo" (by Cosimo) contro lo sguardo da triglia. Questa è la "culona".

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Aggiornamento alla soap opera Desperate ECATwifes, visto che si contendono il diritto di andarci a letto :mrgreen::

Rossi reagisce ad una domanda su Defkalion:

Dear Martin:

These are just clowns.

No other comment is opportune.

I want not to dirt this blog with that shit. My attorneys are taking care of


Warm Regards,


Domanda e risposta, quella postata qui sopra, cancellate dal blog di Rossi dopo un pò che sono state postate.

Originale in : [Vo]:Defkalion Press Release 10/10

Secondo me ha ragione un utente della famosa newsletter Vortex-L che interpreta così la dichiarazione di Defkalion come un avvertimento a Rossi, bello e buono:

More like a gun to the head - ie we think we can extract legal

remedies for your revelation of our confidential materials unless you

come to an agreement with us, (and we know you are running out of

money and time while we can pay for lots of lawyers that will waste

all of your time), but let's just keep it friendly for now. There

will have been non disclosure agreements and contracts stating who

owned what.


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Peccato, la cosa puzza sembra di più.

Dico io, uno con il passato come quello di Rossi, per convincere qualcuno, e non dico noi, ma un investitore (queste dimostrazioni approssimate per chi sono fatte? per il pubblico? (di cui dice se ne frega, parleranno i clienti) per gli investitori?), dovrebbe organizzare delle prove scrupolose all'ennesima potenza ed invece...

Adesso sopraggiungono questi della Defkalion, questa società greca di cui non ho capito la credibilità e l'attendibilità (capitale? investitori? catena societaria? curricula degli amministratori?), che faceva parte della storia sin dall'inizio, ma di cui appunto non ho elementi per fidarmi (o suggestionarmi).

Pare che in qualche commento Rossi abbia dichiarato che la dimostrazione della centrale da 1MW sarà il 28 Ottobre, penso che sia l'ultima chance che ha per convincere l'opinione pubblica. Poi, per i clienti, son fatti suoi...

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