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This is the next Nissan Micra, Autocar can reveal.

The UK’s allocation of the new supermini will be built at a plant in India, signaling the end of production for the small car in the UK facility in Sunderland.

Dubbed a “global compact car” by Nissan, the vehicle will be sold in over 150 countriies around the globe.

Five countries are earmarked to produce the car: India, Thailand, China and two undisclosed locations, expected to be in Asia. Production at the Sunderland plant will switch to a new vehicle.

The styling of the new Micra is less cutesy and more conventional, echoing the Vauxhall Corsa and Alfa MiTo in its lines.

The side of the car has a bulge running through the doors and into the rear lights. The roof runs into an integrated rear spoiler.

“It is a proud moment for us today as we reveal the first sketch of our global compact car,” said Kiminobu Tokuyama, managing director and CEO of Nissan India.

“We are confident that the car which will be manufactured locally in Chennai will delight the discerning Indian customers. We are serious and committed in our plans for India and are all excited as we gear up for the start of production in May 2010.”

The new car will arrive in Britain in October 2010.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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