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La Ferrari ti legge nel pensiero

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Secondo Autocar, esistono brevetti di tecnologia Ferrari riguardanti sistemi di verifica dello stato metale e fisico del guidatore, che interverrebbero poi sulle tarature ESP e ASR...utilizzo di sensoristica biometrica e psicometrica...misura, tramite sensore piezoelettrico, del respiro, monitoraggio dell'attività celebrale, del battito delle palpebre, della temperatura della pelle, della conducibilità termica della pelle del guidatore, del battito del cuore e della pressione...:shock:

Ferrari plans mind reading tech

Friday, January 07, 2011

Ferrari is working on in-car technology that will monitor a driver’s mental and physical state and adjust the car’s stability and traction control systems to suit, Autocar can reveal.

The technology is outlined in a series of Europe-wide and global patent applications. The documents show how Ferrari expects a range of sensors to provide the cars of the future with data on the driver, allowing it to adjust its set-up accordingly.

Ferrari’s application states: “Drivers tend to miscalculate — in particular, overestimate — their driving skill and, more importantly, their psychophysical condition, with the result that driver-selected dynamic vehicle performance simply reflects the driver’s wish, as opposed to the driver’s actual psychophysical condition and proficiency.”

Read more on the next Ferrari Enzo

The application describes a cabin housing “various (preferably non-invasive) biometric and psychometric sensors for recording and transmitting… the values of a number of psychophysical parameters of the driver”.

It adds: “The biometric sensors may comprise a piezoelectric measuring device for measuring the driver’s respiration, a device for measuring the driver’s blood pressure and heart rate, a television camera for monitoring the driver’s eyes (blink rate) to determine the driver’s alertness, a device for monitoring the electric activity of the driver’s brain, a device for recording the driver’s surface temperature and a device for recording the conductivity of the driver’s skin (to determine the degree of perspiration).”

A single line diagram with the application appears to indicate that sensors would be mounted in the cabin ceiling, dashboard, steering wheel and driver’s seat area. It also includes a manettino dial, indicating that Ferrari intends to continue offering the race-based driver control system.

The application is based on improving driver safety but could also be used to sharpen a car’s dynamics to better satisfy a more alert driver.

Ferrari says: “The dynamic performance may be modified to enhance driving safety in the case of a tired or unresponsive driver, and also to enhance driving pleasure and/or performance in the case of an alert, responsive driver.”

Greg Kable

Che cazzate....:lol::lol::lol:...


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Beh alcuni aspetti sembrano quasi fantascienza, pero' alcuni aspetti sono del tutto condivisibili e normali.. penso a dei parametri misurabili con discreta semplicita', ad esempio dalle mani, come alcuni attrezzi sportivi (battito cardiaco, sudorazione, etc) che possono effettivamente essere indicativi dello stato di chi guida..


Beschleunigung ist, wenn die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagrecht zum Ohr hin abfliessen

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