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quanto ti piace l'Alfa Romeo 4C?  

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  1. 1. quanto ti piace l'Alfa Romeo 4C?

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Ragazzi bevetevi una tisana!!!!

Non era un'auto in consegna ma semplicemente una 4C che sta' facendo un giro dei conc in Europa. E' rimasta li' solo per un giorno e poi via da un'altro conc.

Yes mi correggo - il venditore ha detto che "va via domani"; io ho interpretato ovviamente che la consegna ad un cliente ma può essere verissimo quello che dice deppi che ne fanno girare una tra conce. Spiegherebbe anche il fatto che non era una LE.. non volevo far venire un infarto a nessuno :)

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Ragazzi bevetevi una tisana!!!!

Non era un'auto in consegna ma semplicemente una 4C che sta' facendo un giro dei conc in Europa. E' rimasta li' solo per un giorno e poi via da un'altro conc.

Yes mi correggo - il venditore ha detto che "va via domani"; io ho interpretato ovviamente che la consegna ad un cliente ma può essere verissimo quello che dice deppi che ne fanno girare una tra conce. Spiegherebbe anche il fatto che non era una LE.. non volevo far venire un infarto a nessuno :)

Capisci che su questo forum prima di dire certe cose bisogna ponderare bene le conseguenze che possono avere....! tu hai gettato una scintilla sulla benzina!!! :mrgreen:

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Russian magazine Autoreview says that torsional stiffness of carbon-fiber tub is 14200 Nm/grad and the first resonance is 52-60 HZ

Weight of motor is 135 kg.

Prepregs for tubs are made by Amber Composites from UK. Maximum production capacity is 16 tubs in a day. And they say that Adler has two autoclaves.


Journalist doesn't like everything in a car, he complains about:

- Instrumental panel (he prefers HUGE numbers instead tachometer)

- Style of carbon-fiber headlights

- Audio system (like from the second hand radio market)

- Climate block

- Dashboard fixing (flexible, not fixed appropriate) and quality (a lot of small scratches on it)

- Shape of steering wheel

- Seats are very wide and their shapes are bad

- Kinematic of pedals

- He doesn't like that changing of gears is possible only by levers under the steering wheel and changing of gearbox character only by buttons on the central panel

- He says that concept of car was stolen from Lotus and Alfa has nothing midengined in the history, except 33 Stradale. But Lotus Europa was first.

- Cheap plastic

- Bad soundproof of carbon tub

- Busy and loud sound of engine

- There is no sharp reaction of steering

- Turbo lag, torque starts from 3000

- There is no sense to keep the engine revs higher 5000, no torque

- Stiff suspension

- Very nervous reactions on the high speed

- He wants mechanical gearbox

- He says that it's impossible to repair carbon tub, even with help of flying doctors

And in conclusion - he prefers Cayman or Boxter S PDK in any case, because Porsche is angrier, more comfortable, more practical and has more emotions. And sure it has better plastic quality.

Seriously, that's not an article about a test drive, it's just a steaming pile of cow dung.

Alfiat Bravetta senza pomello con 170 cavalli asmatici che vanno a broda; pack "Terrone Protervo" (by Cosimo) contro lo sguardo da triglia. Questa è la "culona".

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Si esatto bravo ! Tu continua a girare con la Lada Niva :clap

(riferito al giornalista russo )

He's an editor of the most popular car magazine in Russia and Ukraine (176000 exemplars twice a month), he drives Lancer Evo X, and he represents Russia in a World Car of the Year concourse. So this guy influences on the second largest auto market in Europe.

I think he's opinion is based on lack of payment from the FIAT's marketing representatives side :pen:

'92 155 1.8 TS 8v Super

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I think he's opinion is based on lack of payment from the FIAT's marketing representatives side :pen:

This guy complains about the entertainment system, the dashboad, the pedals, the steering wheel, the engine, the seats, the headlamps... even the carbon fiber tub.

Seriously, he should be reviewing off-road agricultural vehicles, not cars.

Alfiat Bravetta senza pomello con 170 cavalli asmatici che vanno a broda; pack "Terrone Protervo" (by Cosimo) contro lo sguardo da triglia. Questa è la "culona".

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