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[CHN] Qoros 5 2016

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Press Release:

[h=4] surprise to many people, the "village SUV", nicknamed by Qoros fans, is being unveiled today in Milan, the fashion capital of Europe. As the only new model of the Chinese Automobile Brand Promotion in the Milan Expo, the Qoros 5 SUV shouts a "hello" to the world.[/h]Daring to be different

By launching its latest model at the Milano expo, Qoros shows it dares to be different. The new Qoros 5 SUV is created by international Qoros design teams in Shanghai and Munich and is about to end its final engineering testing phase in Granada, Spain.

It should be pointed out that before entering the Silk Road Hall of the Milan Expo, Qoros and other Chinese car brands spent 26 days completing a magnificent journey that crosses Asia and Europe exceeding an impressive 15,000 kilometers. With the vision of "One Belt One Road" and the grand vision of "China Made 2025", Qoros and 15 other Chinese automobile brands demonstrated their strength and quality to the world. Starting from the foot of the Great Wall to the muddy roads in Russian Far East and to the German highways without a speed limit, Qoros SUVs have easily passed the dual tests of physical fitness and endurance with zero failures, receiving curious or praising looks along the way in different countries.

Qoros Executive Vice President, Sun Xiaodong, and the representatives of other Chinese automakers attended the Chinese Automobile Brand Promotion in the Silk Road Square of the Milan Expo. "The spirit of independence is the soul of all designs. Milan is a center of science and technology, fashion and innovative products. By making the debut of the new Qoros 5 SUV in the design capital of Europe, we hope to demonstrate our unique pursuit for design that matches the spirit of the city.” said Sun.

Paying tribute to independence with design

The "independence" in Qoros design is not detached from the mainstream, but a unique interpretation of the mainstream SUV design trend. As the first mid-size SUV launched by Qoros to the Chinese market, the Qoros 5 SUV reflects inherent nobility, a precise grasp of the taste of Chinese consumers. It also reflects the same design elements and tonality that have appeared in this year's Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks such as sportiness, minimalism, futurism and artistic elements.

  • Style

Clean-cut lines, colors and the spirit of eternity. Whether it be cars or fashion, good designs always have something in common. Just like the popular fashion brand ‘Celine’ which embodies minimalism and purity, the Qoros 5 SUV adheres to the three design principles; symmetry, proportion and simplicity. The Qoros 5 SUV obviously inherits visual design elements of the Qoros family to achieve a harmonious balance between European simplicity and Eastern spirit. An excellent design is always recognizable. Recently The New York Times reported that if you haven't been to 10 Corso Como and the Prada Foundation Cultural Park to experience their diverse, rich artistic styles, you really haven't been in Milan. Simply because their designs are excellent and yet very recognizable. Exactly those qualities are typical for the all-new Qoros 5 SUV.

  • Fashion

At this year's Paris Fashion Week, the wayward genius designer John Galliano puts a samurai helmet on supermodels to highlight energy and conflicts. It's a popular way to enhance a sense of opposition through design elements. With its own understanding of fashion, the Qoros 5 SUV underlines block-like shaping instead of simple outlining and offers more powerful exterior curves and a more dynamic contour. Additional features such as 19-inch large wheels and shark gill-shaped headlights are as eye-catching as the crown jewels.

  • Trend

Simple and tough; Calvin Klein menswear is always understated yet powerful, which is well understood by Qoros designers. Three major design trends including "sharp wide-size headlights", "strong front wheels" and a "dynamic hatchback tailgate" are introduced in the Qoros 5 SUV. In fact, many luxury brand SUVs have captured these trends, further attracting the attention and praise of an increasing number of fans. Through the Milan Expo, the Qoros 5 SUV provides a new design trend for the domestic mainstream SUV market.

Before the debut of the Qoros 5 SUV, Qoros has produced three internationally acclaimed models and won multiple global awards, which has proven again and again Qoros' persistence and commitment to design, technology, safety and quality.

Through the Milan Expo, Qoros and other Chinese automobile brands will enable the world to see the rapid development of China's automobile industry. The Qoros 5 SUV will be presented to the public at the Guangzhou Auto Show in November 2015. Let's rub our eyes and wait.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Sicuramente meglio di altri prodotti cinesi, ma mi lascia un po' perplesso: 3/4 anteriore di chiara ispirazione Evoque, giro porte (specie quelle posteriori) in stile BMW e 3/4 posteriore che mi ricorda alcune Audi, sopratutto nella zona del paraurti.

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Mi pare 'na Macan presa a colpi di acido corrosivo... la Regione non se ne sbatte a tempo debito di quelle porcherie che chiamano strade lascio le macchinette con touch grattascroto agli altri, il mio prossimo acquisto si chiamerà Panda 1000 4x4, Suzuki SJ413, Vitara JLX o Terrano II 2.7 TDI......

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di evoque ci vedo poco e niente. Linea sobria, un paio di spunti personali (il finto sfogo alla base del montante anteriore con il logo del modello e la calandra come su altri modelli "nascosta" dal paraurti), tutto comunque riuscito. Forse dovevano osare col nome, che qui tra il marchio e la sobrietà generale rischia che nessuno se la ricordi.

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  • 11 mesi fa...
On 16/10/2015 at 15:27, MarcoGT dice:

Sicuramente meglio di altri prodotti cinesi, ma mi lascia un po' perplesso: 3/4 anteriore di chiara ispirazione Evoque, giro porte (specie quelle posteriori) in stile BMW e 3/4 posteriore che mi ricorda alcune Audi, sopratutto nella zona del paraurti.

Il giro porta posteriore (e non solo) in realtà è preso pari pari da questa! ;)


  • Mi Piace 2
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