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Ken Block


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Motorsports mourning the death of Ken Block, pioneering star of action sports and rally

Ken Block made his fame as an action sports star and viral video sensation, but the reaction to his shocking death Monday showed how wide his impact was across motorsports.

Hoonigan Industries confirmed in an Instagram post and on its website that Block, 55, was killed in a snowmobile accident: “He was a visionary, a pioneer and an icon. And most importantly, a father and husband.”

According to reports from local and national media outlets, Block died in a remote part of Wasatch County, Utah. Wasatch County Sheriff’s Office officials told reporters that Block, a resident of Park City, Utah, was pronounced dead at the scene after a snowmobile ridden by Block turned over and landed on top of him.

Hoonigan Industries is an automotive apparel and lifestyle brand co-founded by Block as “an entire subculture fueled on the shared passion of going fast and breaking things” — an apt description for what made him such an appealing and popular touchstone in the racing world, which was heavily influenced by his cultural sway.





Modificato da AleMcGir
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  • 2 settimane fa...
12 minuti fa, AleMcGir scrive:



Wow, bel video tributo


Al di là del personaggio pubblico, quello che rimane è il ricordo di una persona che ha realizzato tantissimo e che ha vissuto appieno, facendo quello che amava, quanti possono dire di esserci riusciti? Speriamo anche che questo sia un po' di sollievo alla famiglia.

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