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Bentley Continental GTC Series 51 [Nuovo Allestimento]

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Along with the all-new Mulsanne limo that will make its first appearance on European soil, Bentley's Frankfurt Motor Show stand will also stage the world premiere of the Series 51 Continental models. Named after the year that the first official styling department was established in Crewe by John Blatchley, the man behind the design of the original 1950s Bentley Continentals, the Series 51 models feature distinctive interior and exterior color schemes as well as special design cues.

The first example of the Series 51 will be the Continental GTC that receives a three-tone interior with Imperial Blue as a main and secondary hide, Linen seat and door inserts and Newmarket Tan as the accent color.

Other unique interior details include the use of non-indented hide for diamond quilting, contrast piping for the seats and doors as well as bespoke Series 51 treadplates, a limited-edition Amboyna veneer trim and color matched overmats and boot carpets.

On the outside, the Series 51 Continental convertible has been upgraded with 20-inch 14-spoke polished alloy wheels with a dark center cap and signature '51' badges on the front wings.

Bentley said that buyers of the series will also be able to further personalize their vehicles with a new two-tone exterior finish with one color running over the bonnet, roof and flowing down to the boot, along with various other additional options and accessories.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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