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Quanto ti piace la Tesla Model Y?  

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  1. 1. Quanto ti piace la Tesla Model Y?

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Sarà in vendita a partire dal 2020 con una fascia di prezzo tra 47.000 e 60.000 dollari. Sarà disponibile in varie opzioni:

  • Standard Range
  • Long Range
  • Dual Motor AWD
  • Performance

Il modello Standard Range ha una autonomia di 370 km, mentre quello Long Range arriva fino a circa 480 km.

Nel 2021 sarà disponibile la meno potente Standard Range al prezzo base di 39.000 dollari.



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Pagina Ufficiale Tesla Model Y:



Model Y is an all-electric, mid-size SUV designed for maximum versatility and safety. Model Y will start at $39,000 for the Standard Range version, and will also come in Long Range, Dual-Motor All-Wheel Drive, and Performance variants.
Model Y is spacious enough to carry seven adults and their gear and offers leading range, superior performance, and the most advanced technology.
The high-efficiency powertrain and ultra-responsive motors will provide 0-60 mph acceleration in as little as 3.5 seconds and a top speed of up to 150 mph, with excellent handling for any road condition. Model Y Standard Battery will have 230 miles of range, while Model Y Long Range will be able to travel up to 300 miles on a single charge.Inside, Model Y's panoramic glass roof and high seating creates a feeling of spaciousness and offers an expansive view from every seat in the vehicle.

The front trunk and split-folding second-row seats provide a total of 66 cubic feet (1.9 cubic meters) of storage space. Like Model 3, Model Y requires no keys, but instead connects to your smartphone for seamless entry and exit, with a single 15-inch touchscreen interface inside for all of the car's controls. Model Y also connects with the Tesla Mobile app for unique, easy-to-access features like remote unlock, Summon, remote pre-conditioning, location tracking, Speed Limit Mode, and much more.Model Y is designed to be the safest mid-size SUV.

Built from the ground up as an electric vehicle, the low center of gravity, rigid body structure and large crumple zones provide unparalleled protection. Its aerodynamic design and leading battery technology also make it highly-efficient in terms of energy usage, meaning you can achieve better range with less energy than other EVs on the market.

Model Y is also compatible with our current Supercharger network of more than 12,000 Superchargers in 36 countries, as well as our new V3 Superchargers which can charge at rates up to 1,000 miles per hour. Deliveries are expected to begin in Fall 2020 for Model Y Performance, Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive, and Dual-Motor All-Wheel Drive variants, and Spring 2021 for the $39,000 Model Y Standard Range. Please visit our Design Studio to see available options and current delivery estimates.




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  • Beckervdo ha messo in primo piano/indicizzato questa Discussione

Sinceramente credo che Tesla piu che produttore di auto voglia diventare un produttore di batterie e tecnologie: premesso che non sono informata ne su Tesla e ne nel campo degli smartphone ed informatica ma ho l’impressione che Tesla piu che Apple, che produce top di gamma, voglia imitare Microsoft e Samsung-Google fornendo batterie e sistemi ad altri perche onestamente noto che nei segmenti piu redditizi come i grandi suv e berline segmento F Tesla è assente (le S ed X sono segmento E e onestamente necessitano di un restyling degli interni almeno).


Certo stanno lavorando anche al camion, al pick-up e alla sportiva e immagino dopo sara la volta di qualche city car soprattutto per EU e Cina ma credo l’obbiettivo non sia quello di costruttore di auto ma di fornitore di batterie e vari sistemi a cui si affianca una propria gamma (come fa Samsung)

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