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Accordo Fiat-Mazda per produzione Alfa Spider su base MX-5

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Or get it from a 3rd party, codevelop one with a 3rd party (for larger scale use) or develop one inhouse... Or simply go to maranello and get the hell of a gearbox


3rd party? Who makes manual gearbox for RWD from external sellers? Codeveloping? With who?

The using of external seller gearbox is not simple. In this case they will redesigned floor of the body. It's a lot of design and practical work.

I think new MX5 platform is almost ready and using of big torque gearbox is question of money

'92 155 1.8 TS 8v Super

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3rd party? Who makes manual gearbox for RWD from external sellers?

Mercedes-Benz for instance, which the Crossfire's NSG-370 is derived from. ;) But probably, as you can read, both Alfa and Mazda will use different gearboxes developed from theirselves (althought there's the possibility of Mazda trying to share its transmission with Alfa's new sports car. But these are nothing but rumors).

Il problema è mantenere una velocità di pensiero che sia superiore alla velocità della macchina.


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,ci scommetto un gatto arrosto...:mrgreen:
Se è vero che hanno un sapore simile a quello dei conigli allora è meglio alla cacciatora. :mrgreen:

Non fatemi venire fame!!

 Clio trefaseb dinamica e Scenic edizione uno entrambe alimentate a miscela di idrocarburi contenenti da 13 a 18 atomi di C.

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Questo non ha letto nessuno???

IMHO sarà molto interessante per FIAT aumentare i volumi di Seg. B + C, nuovo Sedici ecc. con Mazda e Suzuki

Fiat says it is open to expanding its newly announced partnership with Mazda and building the Japanese automaker's vehicles at Fiat and Chrysler Group factories worldwide. Sergio Marchionne, the CEO of both Fiat and Chrysler, said Fiat was open to additional partnerships to help lower the automaker's costs and expand its global reach. "We will continue to look at other bilateral arrangements," Marchionne said. "We're totally open."

On Wednesday, Fiat and Mazda announced a deal to jointly develop the next generation of Alfa Romeo Spider and Miata/MX-5 roadsters on a shared Mazda platform. The joint venture does not include any equity tie-ups, but will help the two automakers cut costs.

Fiat already builds the Ka minicar for Ford Motor Co. in Poland alongside the Fiat 500. The automaker sources its Sedici small crossover from Suzuki in Hungary, sharing the investment costs of around 1 billion euros ($1.26 billion) needed to develop each new car.

"The economics make it very difficult" for most automakers to continue to produce all their own platforms and powertrains, Marchionne told reporters on the sidelines of an event at a Chrysler plant in Belvidere, Illinois on Thursday. "We're willing to engage in discussions with anyone else."


(Parliamo di macchine italiane, eh!)

Life is too short to drive german cars!!

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Prima di dire altro in merito, esigo di sapere quanti fori hanno i mozzi della mx5 NC! :lol:

Ora: BMW M135i xDrive 306 cv

Nato su Alfa Giulia GT Junior 1600 >>> esordito su Opel Corsa 90 cv 1996 e BMW Serie 3 Compact 318td 90cv >>> fortificato su Alfa 147 1.6 120 cv 2002 e Alfa 156 1.9 JTD 116 cv >>> posteriorizzato su BMW E81 120d 177 cv e BMW E84 18d sDrive 143 cv

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Does Mazda or FIAT/Chrysler has high torque gearbox for RWD?


Beschleunigung ist, wenn die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagrecht zum Ohr hin abfliessen

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ci scommetto un gatto arrosto...:mrgreen:

Da piccolo mi vedevo su un'Alfa cattiva, prestante e tagliente. Da grande il findus-style mi ha infranto i sogni d'infanzia.  -  Cit. 22/06/2012 (MiTo ndr)
Chiaro che tra il "dire" ed il "fare" c'è di mezzo il "sai driftare?"  -  Cit. 18/02/2016 (BRZ ndr)

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