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Messaggio aggiunto da __P,


Il primo frutto della fusione a marchio Fiat, è una UV di segmento B che ripropone le linee iconiche delle auto torinesi degli anni ‘50 e ‘60. Pur avendo un importante family feeling con la piccola 500, questa prende il nome di 600. 

La 600 porta al debutto sul marchio italiano la piattaforma francese e-CMP con il suo powertrain da 115 kW e batteria da 54 kWh che garantisce percorrenze fino a 420 km. Disponibile al momento solo negli allestimenti 600e(RED) e 600e La Prima, sarà nelle concessionarie a settembre.


 --> [Test Stampa] Fiat 600e


--> [Test Stampa] Fiat 600 Hybrid

Messaggi Raccomandati:

1 hour ago, nucarote said:

Ma questa se è come tutte le altre CMPine mi sa che fa peggio specie dalle parti dei passeggeri posteriori. :-D 

Also Avenger has dad lesser measured cargo space than 500X. It's the worst in the class.


CMP has many drawbacks, many tehcnical drawbacks. The only advantage is price.

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6 ore fa, Stellaris scrive:

CMP e un pianale claustrofobico… basta entrare in un Renegade e poi in una 2008 (la più grande).


Come dice Bare, non costa niente e il suo (unico) pregio.

La CMPina più grande come passo è la C4, mentre la C4X è la CMPina con lunghezza complessiva maggiore.

Come "pregio" aggiungerei il fatto che permette di avere auto leggermente più strette della concorrenza. Una caratteristica tipicamente Fiat. 😀

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I must once again said that Stellantis did a lazy job with so called CMP 2. Anyway, what does '2' in the name means?


They did not redo platform for FCA infotainment system. 

They did not made it suitable for FCA engines.

I know that PSA want it cheap and sources in house. But was it so hard to make this car suitable for 1.5 MHEV engine? Engine which is ready au contraire to 1.2 MHEV solution from PSA which also has dubious choice of transmission. It's not double clutch even if they call it that way.


And one simple thing.

They did all of this products with shortest available wheelbase length. Why? 

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3 minuti fa, Bare scrive:

I must once again said that Stellantis did a lazy job with so called CMP 2. Anyway, what does '2' in the name means?


They did not redo platform for FCA infotainment system. 

They did not made it suitable for FCA engines.

I know that PSA want it cheap and sources in house. But was it so hard to make this car suitable for 1.5 MHEV engine? Engine which is ready au contraire to 1.2 MHEV solution from PSA which also has dubious choice of transmission. It's not double clutch even if they call it that way.


And one simple thing.

They did all of this products with shortest available wheelbase length. Why? 

The main problem is that there's a diktat in stellantis for this segment,all the R&D and Supply chain is in the hands of PSA.

Which sucks because we already knew this from the beginning of psa-fca merge, and there's no space to change this status for now.

Also the problem is to have an accountant as a CEO that has a mantra of "cost reduction everywhere, everyway", that is why we got cmp and not an evolution of the fca/eMini platform under the avenger, 600 and alfa kid.

"It costs less, it's the way to go" they think.


For now is right(the last financial report from stellantis is almost too good to be true), but in the middle/long term this won't end well, lineup of european brand sucks right now(excet for jeep and peugeot).

Fiat needs a lot, Citroen needs a lot, Opel needs a lot, Lancia and DS needs a lot, Alfa needs a lot(who cares about the 33 sold for over 1 billion).

It will be though for fiat in the next years without 500x, Tipo/Aegea/500 ice to mantain some market share in UE.


Also i didn't like the way of acting from OF, Fiat needs solid and popular projects like the tipo or panda, just like dacia, with ice(gasoline/diesel/gas), mhev or bev.

600e didn't delivered nothing of this, and the next b global model is a bit far from now(even the roomy suv is too far from launch).

  • Mi Piace 3

Nell'automotive nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge, tutto si ricarrozza.

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Per tutti i scettici .., quello che conta sono i risultati finanziari..! For all sceptics ..., what counts are the financial results ..!😅




La felicità è quando ciò che pensi, ciò che dici e ciò che fai sono in armonia.

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