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Tesla has used the unveiling of its long-awaited Semi to shock the world and unveil the second-generation Roadster, a car which will be the sportiest vehicle every created by the electric automaker.

Elon Musk has been promising a new Roadster for a number of years and has just announced that it has arrived. Like the original, it is a sleek two-door but unlike its predecessor, is totally bespoke and adopts a seriously sexy design.

Incredibly, the base second-generation Tesla Roadster will reportedly reach 60 mph (96 km/h) in just 1.9 seconds and reach 100 mph (160 km/h) in a mere 4.2 seconds. What’s more, it will run down the quarter mile in 8.9 seconds thanks to a 200-kWh battery pack and apparently hit over 250 mph.

According to Musk, the new Tesla Roadster has a 620-mile range and despite what the images may suggest, it does have four seats, however, the rear seats are exceptionally small.

From a design standpoint, the new Roadster is a dramatic departure from any other Tesla before it. The front end is characterized by a pair of slim LED headlights and typical Tesla curved body panels, while the rear looks more like a radical concept car than anything remotely close to a production model. Among the most intriguing design elements are wafer-thin taillights and an aggressive diffuser.

During his speech announcing the second-generation Tesla Roadster, Musk said he wants it to serve as the final nail in the coffin for ICE vehicles, hence why such lofty performance targets have been set. If they’re all achieved, it could very well represent the future of performance cars.

Unsurprisingly, the second-gen Tesla Roadster will be more expensive than its predecessor. In fact, the base price will start at $200,000 with a $50,000 reservation required. For true die-hard Tesla enthusiasts, a Roadster Founders Series will be available, starting at $250,000.




Modificato da Cole_90


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