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Presentato oggi il nuovo marchio premium specializzato nel fuoristrada di BYD: Fang Cheng Bao. Il posizionamento sarà in mezzo agli altri 2 marchi premium del gruppo, ovvero Denza e il quasi luxury YangWang.


Durante l'evento di presentazione è stato mostrato il primo modello, il Leopard 5, e un concept, il Super 8, che anticipa il modello più grande della gamma che sarà composta poi anche da uno più piccolo, il Leopard 3.


È stato annunciato anche che il marchio avrà sbocchi internazionali e che molto probabilmente i modelli si chiameranno Super e non Leopard su questi mercati.


I modelli saranno basati sulla nuova piattaforma DMO di BYD che permette di avere architetture EREV e BEV.


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  • 2 settimane fa...

BYD confident of hitting 3 million sales despite China weakness
BYD posted a 145% increase in second-quarter profit despite headwinds in China.

BYD remains confident of selling 3 million cars this year despite economic challenges and an intense price war in the world’s second-biggest economy, founder and Chairman Wang Chuanfu told analysts at a briefing, according to people who were present at the event.

China’s best-selling auto brand also signaled solid profits will continue in the second half of 2023, further boosting the outlook for the company, according to the people, who declined to be identified because the analyst meeting on Tuesday was private.

The automaker on Monday unveiled a 145 percent increase in second-quarter profit to 6.8 billion yuan ($934 million), and a 67 percent jump in revenue to 140 billion yuan after selling a record number of cars in a three-month period.

A price war started by Tesla at the start of the year has squeezed other EV manufacturers.

Both Xpeng and Nio this month reported wider-than-estimated second-quarter losses.

BYD, however, has resisted joining the price war, instead relying on its broad range of models and price points to attract buyers.

For BYD “the clear message is they are not” going to cut prices, Yuqian Ding, HSBC Qianhai Securities head of China autos research, told Bloomberg Television on Wednesday.





  • Assurdo! 1
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On 30/8/2023 at 16:20, 4200blu scrive:

BYD confident of hitting 3 million sales despite China weakness
BYD posted a 145% increase in second-quarter profit despite headwinds in China.

BYD remains confident of selling 3 million cars this year despite economic challenges and an intense price war in the world’s second-biggest economy, founder and Chairman Wang Chuanfu told analysts at a briefing, according to people who were present at the event.

China’s best-selling auto brand also signaled solid profits will continue in the second half of 2023, further boosting the outlook for the company, according to the people, who declined to be identified because the analyst meeting on Tuesday was private.

The automaker on Monday unveiled a 145 percent increase in second-quarter profit to 6.8 billion yuan ($934 million), and a 67 percent jump in revenue to 140 billion yuan after selling a record number of cars in a three-month period.

A price war started by Tesla at the start of the year has squeezed other EV manufacturers.

Both Xpeng and Nio this month reported wider-than-estimated second-quarter losses.

BYD, however, has resisted joining the price war, instead relying on its broad range of models and price points to attract buyers.

For BYD “the clear message is they are not” going to cut prices, Yuqian Ding, HSBC Qianhai Securities head of China autos research, told Bloomberg Television on Wednesday.







"quello che della valle spende in 1 anno di ricerca io lo spendo per disegnare il paraurti della punto." Cit.

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Forse è OT, ma ho visto che un noto concessionario del gruppo Stellantis (parte italiana), a Firenze, ha aggiunto il marchio BYD sulla facciata.

Questo mi fa pensare che prossimamente, se non già ora, inizieremo a vedere auto di questo marchio a giro per le nostre strade.

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13 minuti fa, moltosugo scrive:

Forse è OT, ma ho visto che un noto concessionario del gruppo Stellantis (parte italiana), a Firenze, ha aggiunto il marchio BYD sulla facciata.

Questo mi fa pensare che prossimamente, se non già ora, inizieremo a vedere auto di questo marchio a giro per le nostre strade.

Già ora.

Scegli il concessionario :-)

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