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DS Automobiles M.i. 19 Interior Manifesto Concept 2024

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Imagined in 2019, the M.i. 19

Interior Manifesto served as a

laboratory for the design of the

HMI (Man-Machine interfaces)

and the interior architecture of


(ASL) Concept, which was

revealed in 2020.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at user experience design in DS Automobiles. After the presentation of the professions of UX Designer and UI Designer, illustrated by the evolution of HMI (Human-Machine Interfaces) on DS models and concepts, dive into the secrets of the M.i. 19 Interior Manifesto. A pillar of the extended HMI, this manifesto lays the foundation for user experiences on board future DS creations.


UX Design, in a few words

“My job is UX Designer, with a U as user and an X as experience. My goal is to make sense with the senses: to make sense of the alchemy that is created between users and their car, by soliciting their view, with screens and lighting, their hearing with sounds and their touch with materials.” 


Fields of intervention of the UX designer

"I define the zoning of each function for the driver, in the axis of his vision, and for the passengers. At DS Automobiles, access to comfort functions is mainly located in the doors. I work closely with the UI designer (User Interface), specialized in graphics and animations in the screens. 

UX Designer is a new profession, with the emergence of new technologies. Each brand has its own style and DS Automobiles has a real ambition on this subject.” 


The evolution of interactions and HMI (Human-Machine Interfaces) on DS Automobiles models.

DS 3 and DS 7 (launched in 2022) have integrated the new DS IRIS System interface. 

DS 4 is the first model to use DS EXTENDED HEAD UP DISPLAY, the first step towards augmented reality. 


The M.i. 19 Interior Manifesto, the Aero Sport Lounge (ASL) concept, then the M.i. 21 Interior Manifesto made it possible to explore the haptic control.  This allows to control the functions by gesture, as if the user was acting on a hologram, which accentuates the magical side of the cockpit.


UI Design, in a few words

“My role is to make information elegant on digital screens, such as the instrument cluster and touch interfaces. My graphic creations must make you forget the strict frame of the screen, very square, whose size is limited. What is displayed must create a universe specific to DS Automobiles, such as references to the Clous de Paris patterns, which sign the DS identity, and light animations - or Digital Art- which contribute to the Art of travel.” 


Imagined in 2019, the M.i. 19
Interior Manifesto served as a
laboratory for the design of the
HMI (Man-Machine interfaces)
and the interior architecture of
(ASL) Concept, which was
revealed in 2020.

The interior design of M.i. 19 is inspired by the world of furniture with a wooden dashboard and drawers for storage. It is statutory, and it boasts a Lounge spirit.

The black colour assumed in the interior of M.i. 19, its velvet seats and its thick carpet take up the codes of Luxury. Leather is used on the upper parts of the dashboard and doors.


The extensive and prioritized HMIs 

“The first intention of M.i. 19 was to expand and prioritize HMIs. All individual settings can be accessed via the high-definition touch screens in the doors, such as the phone’s mirroring or retro vision. The shared information is projected in the center, on the dashboard, such as GPS mapping, infotainment or visual effects related to Digital Art.” Luc QUIRIN – M.i. 19 Interior Designer 



Display of information on the dashboard material 

“On M.i. 19, we adapted the projection of the information to the architecture of the dashboard, matching the grooves of the drawers to the exact cutting of the different information areas normally delimited in the screens.” Loïc BETHEGNIES - M.i. 19 UI Designer



The control of functions by gestures

A touchpad located in the center of the cabin of M.i. 19 controls the functions. The user scrolls through the menus, as if on a hologram, at a distance from the projected information. 

“Haptic control of functions by gestures is made possible by a camera hidden in the pad and sensors in the central armrest. One of the functions of the UX designer is to preserve the magic of using a cockpit, making the technology intuitive to the user, without the user guessing his process.” Marie JASPART – UX Designer DS Automobiles



The interior design of M.i. 19

"The designers' job is to give meaning to each object, taking into account the service. On M.i. 19, the dashboard surface was not only to be decorative, but to be used for information projection and storage. The size of the drawers is adapted to each object: documentation, telephone… because the automobile is an extension of our lifestyle.” Thomas BOUVERET – Interior Design Manager DS Automobiles


A statutory cabin, inspired by furniture

“We picked up the furniture codes in the vehicle, with drawers hidden in the wooden dashboard and book storage in the passenger door. With M.i. 19, we have made a static object – a furniture – dynamic, keeping the objective of bringing status. The result on M.i. 19 is a timeless interior. That of the following manifesto, M.i. 21, is more modern with its translucent materials, but also more ephemeral, adopting the codes of haute couture.” Luc QUIRIN – M.i. 19 Interior Designer

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Sembra il Muro del Pianto:20:... per vedere cosa c'è fuori, per scrutare l'orizzonte aldilà del parabrezza, ci si deve forse alzare?!? 😅 Mah

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Molto futuristico, ma... non era mica tornato l'obbligo dei comandi analogici per certi comandi (come la climatizzazione)? :pen: 

Statisticamente, il 98% dei ragazzi nel mondo ha provato a fumare qualsiasi cosa. Se sei fra il 2%, copia e incolla questa frase nella tua firma

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2 ore fa, Sandro scrive:

Molto futuristico, ma... non era mica tornato l'obbligo dei comandi analogici per certi comandi (come la climatizzazione)? :pen: 

Non credo sia uscita nessuna direttiva ancora, e poi è comunque un concept quindi non credo ci abbiamo nemmeno pensato.


P.s. comunque non è giusto, in DS hanno un Auditorium in Lancia solo una Sala :D 

  • Ahah! 3
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