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quanto ti piace la Mazda MX-5 2015?  

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  1. 1. quanto ti piace la Mazda MX-5 2015?

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Messaggi Raccomandati:

boh... stessa macchina della presentazione, zero informazioni...
in effetti Salone di Parigi in sottotono. zero di nuovo (ok, hanno ammesso l'esistenza di 2 motori) su mx-5 e non c'era la nuova 2.

Questa è la Press Release Mazda relativa al Salone di Parigi

All-new Mazda MX-5 showcased at Paris Motor Show

Mazda’s model launch offensive continues today as the unconventional carmaker presents the all-new Mazda MX-5 at the Paris Motor Show. Arriving 25 years after the original MX-5 was unveiled at the 1989 Chicago Auto Show, the fourth-generation of Mazda’s little legend also appears at a time when the company is posting sustained growth both in terms of unit sales and profits.

First revealed last month at Mazda’s new facility the “Mazda Space” in Barcelona, the all-new MX-5 has shed 100kg versus the outgoing model. The model on display in Paris features SKYACTIV Technology, including a SKYACTIV-G 1.5 petrol engine and six-speed SKYACTIV-MT manual gearbox in the roadster’s classic front-midship engine, rear-wheel drive layout with near perfect 50:50 front-rear weight distribution.

Its designers came up with a breathtakingly sporty KODO – Soul of Motion design for the exterior, with a lower centre of gravity and longer bonnet along with character lines expressing vitality and motion. Inside, the new model retains the close-fitting yet comfortable fit inherent to all MX-5s over the years. But Mazda has also added state-of-the art technology like i-ACTIVSENSE active safety technology and MZD Connect, the company’s in-car connectivity concept.

Almost 950,000 MX-5s have been produced over the past quarter century, making it the best-selling roadster of all time. The all-new MX-5 can be seen at Paris Expo, pavilion 3, stand 219. The show runs until 19 October.

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