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I prossimi modelli Alfa Romeo

Messaggio aggiunto da __P,



Aggiornato al 08/03/2023


- Junior ▶️ PRESENTATA!



- 951/A5U ~ New Stelvio ▶️ RUMOR TOPIC



- 953/A5S ~ New Giulia



- A6U ~ E-UV




Modelli presentati nel corso del 2022

- Tonale ▶️ PRESENTATA!


Modelli presentati nel corso del 2023

- Giulia M.Y. '23 ▶️ PRESENTATA!

- Stelvio M.Y. '23 ▶️ PRESENTATA!

- Giulia & Stelvio Quadrifoglio 100° Anniversario M.Y. '23 ▶️ PRESENTATE!

- Giulia Quadrifoglio M.Y. '23 ▶️ PRESENTATA!

- Stelvio Quadrifoglio M.Y. '23 ▶️ PRESENTATA!

- 33 Stradale ➡️ PRESENTATA!

Messaggi Raccomandati:

New, all-electric Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio in line for 950bhp performance

The new Alfa Romeo Stelvio is on the way, it’s electric and the Quadrifoglio version sounds like it’ll be something special.

Alfa boss Jean-Philippe Imparato revealed to Auto Express back in 2022 that strong customer demand for a high-performance Tonale might persuade him to consider such a model. But speaking this week at the launch of the all-new Alfa Romeo Milano baby SUV, Imparato revealed that the idea has been scrapped.


“I think that idea was to find a solution where I could put 400bhp inside the Tonale,” Imparato said. “I didn’t find this solution, at a reasonable cost and at a reasonable level of CO2 emissions. Because if you want to register a car above 200g/km in France today, you have to pay huge amounts of money. Who is going to buy a Quadrifoglio there? A madman. I can be mad, but how many guys are like that?"


“So the Tonale will not be a Quadrifoglio, or have 400bhp. The next Quadrifoglio, it is more than fair to say, will be the [next] Stelvio.”



Imparato revealed that the current power output of the performance flagship Quadrfioglio version is 941bhp. “That’s the figure for the moment,” he said. “If we can reach 1,000PS [986bhp) then we’ll do it, but I’m not absolutely sure it’s the first priority of the company, or the customers.


“My top priority is to be a complete substitutional experience to combustion power. That means you drive, you stop, you charge, have a coffee, do a pee, bye-bye. If you have to wait two hours to charge the car, it kills everything. If you have to drive at 130kph, with Fiat Pandas passing you or campervans going faster than you, it kills everything.”



Alfa Romeo plots new supercar successor to the 33 Stradale, with a little help from its owners

Alfa Romeo is already planning a follow-up to the stunning 33 Stradale supercar, strictly limited to around 100 units.


“The Club 33, the customers of the 33 Stradale, will choose it,” Imparato said. “I want these guys, who trusted me, to be with us in December when we will choose the next chapter. We will deliver the first 33 Stradale on or around the 17th December, and I would then like to come to you and say what we will do next, how many cars we will build, and so forth. But I don’t have the intention to go back to 500 or 1,000 cars; I want to stay below 100 cars, and I want to put all of the quality and performance features in that I need.”


Imparato provided a few hints at some of the options that could be put before the 33 Stradale owners. “There are tons of things we can look at,” he said. “Disco Volante, 6C, Montreal – but only the Club 33 will choose with us the next step.”


In parole povere, conferma che non ci saranno le versioni Quadrifoglio di Tonale e Milano. La prossima sarà Stelvio che avrà poco meno di 1000 CV e sarà presentata l'estate prossima.


A dicembre invece i clienti della 33 Stradale sceglieranno insieme alla dirigenza Alfa il prossimo modello in edizione limitata.

  • Grazie! 1


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10 ore fa, j scrive:

New, all-electric Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio in line for 950bhp performance

The new Alfa Romeo Stelvio is on the way, it’s electric and the Quadrifoglio version sounds like it’ll be something special.

Alfa boss Jean-Philippe Imparato revealed to Auto Express back in 2022 that strong customer demand for a high-performance Tonale might persuade him to consider such a model. But speaking this week at the launch of the all-new Alfa Romeo Milano baby SUV, Imparato revealed that the idea has been scrapped.


“I think that idea was to find a solution where I could put 400bhp inside the Tonale,” Imparato said. “I didn’t find this solution, at a reasonable cost and at a reasonable level of CO2 emissions. Because if you want to register a car above 200g/km in France today, you have to pay huge amounts of money. Who is going to buy a Quadrifoglio there? A madman. I can be mad, but how many guys are like that?"


“So the Tonale will not be a Quadrifoglio, or have 400bhp. The next Quadrifoglio, it is more than fair to say, will be the [next] Stelvio.”



Imparato revealed that the current power output of the performance flagship Quadrfioglio version is 941bhp. “That’s the figure for the moment,” he said. “If we can reach 1,000PS [986bhp) then we’ll do it, but I’m not absolutely sure it’s the first priority of the company, or the customers.


“My top priority is to be a complete substitutional experience to combustion power. That means you drive, you stop, you charge, have a coffee, do a pee, bye-bye. If you have to wait two hours to charge the car, it kills everything. If you have to drive at 130kph, with Fiat Pandas passing you or campervans going faster than you, it kills everything.”



Alfa Romeo plots new supercar successor to the 33 Stradale, with a little help from its owners

Alfa Romeo is already planning a follow-up to the stunning 33 Stradale supercar, strictly limited to around 100 units.


“The Club 33, the customers of the 33 Stradale, will choose it,” Imparato said. “I want these guys, who trusted me, to be with us in December when we will choose the next chapter. We will deliver the first 33 Stradale on or around the 17th December, and I would then like to come to you and say what we will do next, how many cars we will build, and so forth. But I don’t have the intention to go back to 500 or 1,000 cars; I want to stay below 100 cars, and I want to put all of the quality and performance features in that I need.”


Imparato provided a few hints at some of the options that could be put before the 33 Stradale owners. “There are tons of things we can look at,” he said. “Disco Volante, 6C, Montreal – but only the Club 33 will choose with us the next step.”


In parole povere, conferma che non ci saranno le versioni Quadrifoglio di Tonale e Milano. La prossima sarà Stelvio che avrà poco meno di 1000 CV e sarà presentata l'estate prossima.


A dicembre invece i clienti della 33 Stradale sceglieranno insieme alla dirigenza Alfa il prossimo modello in edizione limitata.

Secondo alcuni insider, Il prossimo modello dovrebbe in edizione limitata dovrebbe essere l’Arna GT Junior Competizione Stradale Quadrifoglio Elettrico 

  • Grazie! 2

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Tutte le nuove Alfa Romeo avranno la targa centrale, lo ha confermato Mesonero.

A seguito di una nuova normativa, non sarà più possibile avere targhe laterali.

  • Tristezza! 3
  • Perplesso... 2
  • Wow! 1
  • Ahah! 1
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1 hour ago, GmG said:

Tutte le nuove Alfa Romeo avranno la targa centrale, lo ha confermato Mesonero.

A seguito di una nuova normativa, non sarà più possibile avere targhe laterali.

Can you please post the article, I could not find it

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