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[CHN] BYD Yangwang U9 2023

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BYD’s YangWang unveiled U9 electric supercar



On December 5, BYD launched an electric supercar YangWang U9, taking everybody by surprise. At today’s event, it was expected BYD would launch only the YangWang R1 hardcore SUV – the final name of the car is YangWang U8 (R1 was just a codename). Now we see YangWang is not only an SUV brand but BYD’s premium EV brand.

The car is equipped with a Yisifang power system, and BYD’ s president Wang Chuanfu mentioned during the event that BYD that the YangWang brand will be the first where BYD will apply its top technologies.

U9 can make 0-100km/h in 2 seconds, and not many other details were revealed. According to YangWang it adopts the ‘Gate of Time and Space’ design language, and the impact was given not just on speed, as expected for a supercar, but also on safety and comfort as BYD’s R&D team developed an ‘extremely safe body structure’. The price wasn’t announced, but BYD presented it as a ‘million-level’ supercar (in yuan), so the price should be about $145,000.





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  • j ha modificato il titolo in [CHN] BYD Yangwang U9 2023
  • 3 mesi fa...
On 5/1/2023 at 15:39, Renault scrive:

Mi chiedo perché non hanno continuato la fascia nera anche nella parte alta della porta, sarebbe stato un elemento stilistico carino e caratterizzante. :pen:


Poi veniva fuori una R8.... 😅

  • Ahah! 1


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