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Double world premiere of ID.3 GTX01 and ID.7 GTX01 Tourer: Volkswagen provides initial facts and photos of the sporty electric models

  • New ID.3 GTX: top of the range ID.3 model ensures convincing performance thanks to Volkswagen’s most powerful electric drivetrain
  • New ID.7 GTX Tourer: maximum performance meets large load space – the all-wheel drive Tourer is the most powerful Volkswagen estate built to date
  • Successful GTX concept: every fifth ID.4 and ID.5 in Europe is already a GTX model0203 – Volkswagen is now transferring the GTX concept to other ID. product lines

Volkswagen is expanding its range of sporty GTX models. As a double world premiere, the new ID.3 GTX and ID.7 GTX Tourer models are now the first to make their debut. The two highly dynamic Volkswagen models will be launched soon with an individual exterior design, including their own front and rear light signatures, sporty design details in the interior and powerful performance drives. The sportiest models from the all-electric ID. product line have already borne the GTX label since 2021 – based on the dynamic Volkswagen models with the designations GTI, GTD or GTE.


GTX success story. The sporty and dynamic GTX models offer a completely unique and particularly fascinating type of electric mobility. The fact that every fifth newly registered ID.4 and ID.5 in Europe is already a GTX model shows just how popular this is with customers. Volkswagen has now transferred the successful driving dynamics to the ID.3 GTX and ID.7 GTX Tourer – with an individual technical setup in each case.




The character of the ID.7 GTX Tourer. Pre-sales of the new ID.7 Tourer06 started only last week – and now the new ID.7 GTX Tourer is already making its debut as the most powerful model in the product line. Like the ID.4 GTX and ID.5 GTX, it has a dual-motor all-wheel drive system that can drive the front axle in parallel with the rear axle. Kai Grünitz: “The ID.7 GTX Tourer paves the way for a new type of sporty mobility by combining the spaciousness of a large estate with the performance of a sports car. What is fascinating here is the instantaneous punch with which the electric motors provide their maximum output and torque in fractions of a second.”


The design and equipment of the ID.7 GTX Tourer. The front of the ID.7 GTX Tourer is distinguished from the other models in the product line by a distinctive bumper with honeycomb grille and GTX-specific light graphics including illuminated badges. As with the ID.3 GTX, all black elements have a high-gloss finish. This additionally applies to the side sills and the lower area of the rear bumper in GTX design. As on the ID.3 GTX, 20-inch Skagen alloy wheels are fitted as standard on the ID.7 GTX Tourer. The interior is refined by features such as individualised seats (heated in the front) with perforated GTX lettering in the backrests, red piping on the seats, red seams on the dash panel and door trims as well as a GTX-specific multifunction steering wheel with red decorative stitching. The luggage compartment capacity of up to 1,714 litres is just as large as for the rear-wheel drive variants.


Modificato da j


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  • j ha modificato il titolo in Volkswagen ID.7 GTX Tourer 2024

Nella quarta immagine i tamburi posteriori risaltano in tutto il loro splendore (ah no scusate: dimenticavo che, come ci spiegava VW, su un'elettrica i dischi dietro non servono, perchè c'è la frenata rigenerativa...)

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Mi danno altamente fastidio i cerchi asimmetrici tra lato destro e sinistro, scusate ho questo disturbo, preferisco le simmetrie.


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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l'id7 non è male, solamente costa un capitale e mezzo......


ottima passattona elettrica comunque.

Guidatore medio di S.w. mi piacciono le auto , fumatore Light e AD INTERIM convivente... questo è nicogiraldi....

875kg - 260+ cv i numeri del mio piacere

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5 ore fa, MotorPassion scrive:

Mi danno altamente fastidio i cerchi asimmetrici tra lato destro e sinistro, scusate ho questo disturbo, preferisco le simmetrie.

Risparmiano così 

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  • Beckervdo ha messo in primo piano/indicizzato questa Discussione
  • 2 mesi fa...
  • j ha modificato il titolo in Volkswagen ID.7 GTX Sedan & Tourer 2024

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