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Pesci d'Aprile al volante 2015

Touareg 2.5

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Nissan rilancia con il GYM Button disponibile su Qashqai ed X-Trail: un sistema che disabilita tutti gli aiuti alla guida, compreso servosterzo e vetri elettrici. Ciò dovrebbe far perdere 1415 kCal a settimana.



Press Release:

  • Nissan introduces new ‘GYM’ button to help drivers get fitter
  • Option to turn off driver assistance systems to help define your body
  • Burn 1,415 calories extra per week on the average commute

It may be a company renowned for its innovative driver assistance systems, but now Nissan will be the first vehicle manufacturer to offer the option to switch them all off.

The bold development is an attempt to help drivers improve their fitness levels, after a European study showed the region’s drivers to be among the least healthy in the world.

The new GYM function, initially available in the class-leading Nissan X-Trail and Qashqai crossover models, turns off all of the driver assistance systems at the touch of a button, allowing commuters to get their very own workout at the wheel.

As well as isolating the car’s innovative systems such as Nissan’s ‘Park Assist’ self-parking system, the GYM button also turns off features that many drivers take for granted, such as power steering and electric windows. It also increases the resistance in the accelerator, brake and clutch pedals and stiffens up the gate of the gearbox, increasing the exertion required to drive.

While you workout on the move, the car’s infotainment system logs the calories burned and tracks your progress via the new Gym And Go app.

The innovation comes after a study conducted by the University of Lura, in Sweden, showed that drivers in Europe were getting fatter and less fit, largely as a result of increased congestion leading to them spending longer at the wheel.

Nissan’s director of Customer Welfare, Dr. P. Taka said: “We take the health and wellbeing of our customers very seriously – after all, we want them to live longer and buy more cars. So we developed a system that helped them achieve it.

“The adoption of Autonomous driving also represents another opportunity for the GYM system. In the future, the car can take over the driving while the occupants use the controls as workout equipment. The steering wheel can build your biceps while the modified pedals can push and pull your leg.”

Nissan has enlisted the help of fitness experts to develop the system. Personal trainer Raol Pofil, who runs Le Mensonge Fitness Centre in Paris, said: “Nissan asked me to develop a programme that would help drivers burn more calories and develop leaner bodies without leaving the comfort of their cars. On average, my programme helps commuters burn around 1,415 calories per week.”


Peccato non abbiano lavorato bene di photoshop :disp2:

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Audi, invece accontenta i clienti del Sol Levante con l' A8 5.5, ornata di fornello ad induzione per la cottura del riso.







Press Release:

[h=3]Exclusive only for Japan, The Audi A8 5.5[/h][h=4]“Vorsprung durch Technik” advances to a whole new level[/h]Audi premiered their flagship car, Audi A8 in 2014 to achieve mature market excellence of Japan’s import automobile industry. In addition to the lineup of A8 3.0/4.0, Audi debuts the “5.5” model limited only in Japan. To respond to the high demands of our customers, Audi A8 5.5 strived to aim for the most satisfying model using world class, advanced technologies. The model name 5.5 was inspired from 5(five) Go and 0.5(half) Han, coming from the term gohan, which means rice in Japanese.

[h=4]From the console, shines the pure-white perfection.[/h]In honor of the Japanese rice-eating culture, the Audi A8 5.5 features the world’s first rice cooker in the rear sheet console. The rice cooker is exclusively designed on the basis of the unique performance of Audi A8's 435PS?600Nm. From the intense heat convection inside the broad-brimmed Japanese rice cooking pot called, Hagama, it can generate heat directly from the core, cooking the perfect rice ever.

[h=4]Innovated gourmet food technology in a sophisticated style.[/h]With the touch screen menu panel, owners can select multiple cooking options. Through Audi’s refined, innovative technology, each and every owner can now customize any rice to their own taste of preference.

[h=4]The one and only fine quality of soft rush grass (rice straw) selected carefully will grasp the owner’s heart instantly.[/h]Audi’s innovative aesthetics creates the most comfortable atmosphere fitted for the Japanese climate. The 2,990mm long wheelbase interior is designed with tatami made out of the finest rush suitable for high temperature and the humidity in Japan. Enjoy the aesthetic features of Japanese culture with the new Audi A8 5.5


Pentole, ciotole, bacchette e piattini inclusi nel prezzo.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Audi a8 5.5!

Avrebbero potuto fare anche la versione livornese dove "cinque e cinque" è la focaccina con la cecìna, che loro chiamano torta!

5 e 5 - Wikipedia

E' anche molto buona; penso meglio del riso in bianco! :mrgreen:

Il giorno che mi vedrete a bordo di una mercedes, sarà il giorno del mio funerale

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il "setup rice" sul tablet è mitico:mrgreen:

"Non ti ho tradito, dico sul serio. Ero rimasto senza benzina, avevo una gomma a terra, non avevo i soldi per prendere il taxi, la tintoria non mi aveva portato il tait, c'era il funerale di mia madre, era crollata la casa, c'è stato un terremoto, una tremenda inondazione, le cavalette, non è stata colpa mia, lo giuro su Dio!!"

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wow... che scherzone esilarante quello della Mini.

Ci sono proprio cascato.

Sto morendo dalle risate. :|

È il risultato del nuovo consulente in "burle, frizzi e lazzi"



Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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Io ho creato questo:

[h=1]BMW-FCA: alleanza e memorandum di intesa all’orizzonte?[/h]Non è un Marchionne piglia tutto, ma al grido di “resteranno soltanto 6 grandi costruttori mondiali”, il CEO del gruppo Fiat-Chrysler (FCA, NdR) si guarda intorno per sceglier con oculatezza i propri partner strategici. In tal caso ci sarebbe una scelta diretta con BMW. Voci di corridoio danno prossima una alleanza tra il costruttore tedesco e quello italo-americano per la realizzazione di una nuova strategia di penetrazione del mercato americano e sull’utilizzo congiunto di nuove piattaforme e motori.

BMW-FCA: alleanza e memorandum di intesa all?orizzonte? | Blog BMWpassion



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