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Per me se la possono cavare rivedendo un po le scontistiche, facendo meno gli altezzosi sul ritiro usato, e in generale abbassando un po lo street price ora che si è scoperto che non sono Dio fatto automobile.

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Esatto. Perderanno -se va male- un 20/30% di vendite per qualche mese e poi tornano come prima. Il consumatore medio non sa nulla e chi sa, gli interessa poco o nulla. Vedasi post che avevo scritto tempo fa sul banale "sondaggio" fatto in ufficio..

E non lo so.

Se al momento del ritiro del famoso assegno circolare ti ritrovi con una pernacchia del venditore,magari la cosa diventa meno dimenticabile....

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paradossalmente l’unico posto in europa dove saranno abbastanza tranquilli è proprio l’Italia.

Piuttosto mi chiedo come finirà con le flotte. Imho per un po’ si dovranno calare le braghe.


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Io credo che passato il timore iniziale, venderà più o meno come adesso: il gruppo ha auto valide e che piacciono.

Però da capire come potranno investire sul futuro, quanto potranno spendere per i nuovi modelli, in R&D, ecc... :pen:

Investiranno sull'informatica :mrgreen:

La teoria è quando si sa tutto e niente funziona. La pratica è quando tutto funziona e nessuno sa il perché. Noi abbiamo messo insieme la teoria e la pratica: non c'è niente che funzioni... e nessuno sa il perché! (Albert Einstein)

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VW stops the music as diesel scandal buries culture of spending


Even after the crisis was in full swing, VW threw a party in New York on Sept. 22 that featured Lenny Kravitz crooning to mark the U.S. introduction of the upgraded Passat.

Photo credit: Reuters

Elisabeth Behrmann

October 6, 2015 - 3:46 pm ET

MUNICH (Bloomberg) -- Volkswagen AG’s lavish parties typically featured a surprise guest, from the Pet Shop Boys to Robbie Williams to Justin Timberlake. Now the music is about to stop.

The parade of global pop stars was part of a culture of spending at the world’s biggest carmaker. Confronted with billions in repairs and fines from an engine-rigging scandal, CEO Matthias Mueller vowed today to put everything that’s not absolutely vital on hold. Addressing 20,000 workers at Volkswagen’s main Wolfsburg factory in Germany, Mueller prepared the crowd for “massive savings,” in what would “not be a painless process.”

Even by the opulent standards of the auto industry, Volkswagen’s purse strings have long been loose.

Driven by engineering-crazed executives, VW spawned projects from the money-losing Bugatti Veyron supercar to the unsuccessful Phaeton sedan assembled manually in a dedicated hard-wood floor facility by technicians in white uniforms. As Mueller seeks to instill a new sense of accountability, he vowed to do away with the largesse that has created a bloated structure of underutilized employees.

“I won’t accept that dozens of experts sit in meetings or stand around during approval runs while the work at home isn’t getting done,” Mueller said in his speech.

Nowhere were Volkswagen’s extravagances more apparent than at the biggest car shows, where the company would throw lavish parties featuring A-class celebrities, open bars and opulent buffets. Visitors to Audi’s pavilion at this year’s Frankfurt motor show entered a cave-like tunnel of ice and fog through blasts of cold air. Some cars were mounted on full-wall video screens, rotating constantly to give the illusion that they were zipping along a highway or revolving on platforms such as a giant lily pad.

Like few other carmakers, Volkswagen has sought to make the act of purchasing a car a memorable experience.

In Wolfsburg, an industrial town in northern Germany built entirely around the company’s factories, buyers pick up their vehicles from a theme park-like center called the “Autostadt,” where they breeze through eight different pavilions set among water features and representing brands including Porsche and Audi. An adjacent science museum built by acclaimed architect Zaha Hadid was bankrolled by the carmaker, and the local Ritz-Carlton hotel features a three Michelin-star restaurant.

Sausage factory

Some expenses are part of Volkswagen’s idiosyncratic culture: the carmaker operates an in-house sausage factory in Wolfsburg, where a 25-person staff processes 10 to 12 tons of meat each week, including the currywurst sausage doused in tomato sauce and curry powder the company serves at most events :lol:.

Shaking the habit may not be easy for a company that’s grown accustomed to parading its success. Even after the crisis was in full swing, Volkswagen threw a party in New York on Sept. 22 that featured Lenny Kravitz crooning to mark the U.S. introduction of the upgraded Passat.

Meaningful cuts at a company as big and complex as Volkswagen, with its 12 brands of cars, motorcycles and commercial-vehicles, will mean more than ditching some pop stars and rationing sausages. The carmaker has already said it wants to use centrally developed components across a range of different models to help it boost earnings.

“There’s a culture of spending and a lack of focus on efficiency in favor of striving to be bigger,” said Arndt Ellinghorst, a London-based analyst at Evercore ISI. “They’ll stop the over-engineering on every level.”

Basta co 'sta stonz@t@ del dieselgate e parliamo de cose serie: qualcuno, tipo Trucido o quel buongustaio di Cosimo, ha provato le salsicce vaggare ? Come soooooo ? :mrgreen:

P.S.: mo ho capito perchè VAG spende più di tutti in R&D. Tutta colpa della ricetta delle salsicce e dei menù stellati !!!!! :§:lol:

Modificato da pennellotref

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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Basta co 'sta stonz@t@ del dieselgate e parliamo de cose serie: qualcuno, tipo Trucido o quel buongustaio di Cosimo, ha provato le salsicce vaggare ? Come soooooo ? :mrgreen:

P.S.: mo ho capito perchè VAG spende più di tutti in R&D. Tutta colpa della ricetta delle salsicce e dei menù stellati !!!!! :§:lol:

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Ed io che ho una Panda che fuma e perde pezzi come un vecchio Lupetto?

Mi sento già spacciato :lol:

Portala all' NTSA, chissà che tu riesca a tirar dentro Sergionne....Il Comandante Straker te ne sarà eternamente grato :)

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.

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