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Questa e la Essence sono le due cose più belle uscite dal Giappone in tanto tempo.

Visto che la seconda non verrà sicuramente prodotta, spero che Lexus decida di dare il via al progetto.

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

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Qualche voce di possibile produzione in serie per questo bellissimo concept, sia in versione coupe' che CC (a riprendere il posto della sfortunata wuanto brutta SC). Drivetrain della GS350h, pianale suggeriscono IS (passo)/GS (carreggiate)

[h=1]Lexus LF-CC coupé concept poised for production[/h]Production LF-CC expected in 2015 as both coupé and cabriolet

12LF-LC_13.jpg LF-CC is expected to enter production with minimal changes

12 January 2013 12:02pm

The dramatic Lexus LF-CC coupé, which made its debut at the Paris show last September, is expected to morph into a showroom model by 2015.

Autocar understands that a senior Lexus engineer has been assigned to the project and serious work will start on production engineering this month. A Lexus source said the company wanted to build a car that was “exciting and emotional” and reflected Lexus’s intended future image as ‘sporting’ brand.

The new model is likely to come in both cabrio and fixed-head forms. It is thought to be based on the same rear-drive platform as the new IS and GS models, probably using the IS’s shorter wheelbase but the GS’s wider tracks. The styling is believed to be close to the LF-CC concept car’s. The interior of the concept will be carried over and it will also be seen in the new IS.

The production version will be a hybrid, most likely using a tweaked version of the GS350h’s drivetrain, which currently offers 300bhp.

Lexus sources said the company wanted to slot the new model into the space vacated by the old SC coupé-convertible, which was discontinued in 2010. Lexus’s first SC coupé, a fixed-head model, was launched in 1991.

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