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16 minuti fa, pennellotref scrive:

Una 24 ore ....di 7 ore.


P.S.: il problema è che non c'era una Ferrari in testa altrimenti la facevano durare fino a martedì...:mrgreen:

Ho pensato la stessa cosa. 

Quest’anno nell’equipaggio della Frikadelli mancava Bamber, il pilota grazie al quale abbiamo perso la gara a Spa nel modo più incredibile che io abbia mai visto. Spero che le due cose siano collegate. 😬


Stanno durando più i festeggiamenti della gara. 

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  • Ahah! 1

Schermata 2021-05-22 alle 10.10.43.png

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Continua lo sviluppo del programma ad Idrogeno con la H24EVO







Presented in the form of sketches last October, in Boulogne Billancourt, in the premises of the Amaury group, the H24EVO is now on display in the Hydrogène village of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Pierre Fillon and Jean-Michel Bouresche, the co-presidents of MissionH24 and the partners of the program, today revealed the model of the brand new hydrogen electric prototype.


In October, the designs of the H24EVO were noticed. “Futuristic”, “spectacular”, “new era”, these are the reactions provoked during the diffusion of the first sketches of the brand new hydrogen electric prototype of the MissionH24 program, during a conference organized in the premises of the Amaury group in Boulogne-Billancourt.

This June 12, in Le Mans, in the Hydrogen village, the wait was therefore high: would the scale 1 version translate the audacity of the modeled presentation?

When Pierre Fillon, Jean-Michel Bouresche, the pilots, Stéphane Richelmi, Adrien Tambay, and technical director Bassel Aslan discovered the prototype protected from prying eyes by a dark cover, the audience automatically approached the luminous space reserved for this pioneering racing car.

The lines are revolutionary, stylish. Built for pure performance, zero-emission competition via hydrogen, the H24EVO has produced its effect

Well supported by its partners, TotalEnergies, Symbio, Michelin, OPmobility, Dietsmann and Richard Mille, the H24EVO is made up of elements created for performance and competition. Fuel cell and even Symbio battery system, OPmobility tanks, engine, Michelin tires, everything has been optimized, designed to perform with the H24EVO, supplied with hydrogen by the TotalEnergies mobile H2 station.

On the H24 as on the LMPH2G, the key parts existed in more classic versions.
The next important step for the H24EVO: its first run in 2025, during the first quarter.
Pierre Fillon, president of the Automobile Club de l'Ouest and co-president of MissionH24: “The H24 was a landmark car in the MissionH24 program since it was the first hydrogen electric prototype to race in Endurance competition, in Michelin on Mans Cup, linking the finish to each of its engagements. The H24EVO demonstrates a new step for MissionH24: aligning a hydrogen electric prototype capable of competing with conventional thermal cars. Hydrogen will not be on the track, it will compete on the track. »
Jean-Michel Bouresche, president of H24Project and co-president of MissionH24: “The objective we have set for ourselves is for the H24EVO to be the first FIA-homologated electric-hydrogen prototype and for it to present a level of performance equivalent to the best GT3s. To do this, we must integrate the latest technologies to have the necessary power. I would like to take this opportunity to salute Symbio’s very strong involvement in the H24EVO program.

- Technical sheet - 
Symbio fuel cell
new generation multi-stacks
300 kW net
2 Hydrogen tanks 700 bar
7.8 kg H2
872 HP electric motor
Adess LMP chassis 1300 kg
400 KW lithium battery



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  • 2 settimane fa...

Per i "malati" (come me:mrgreen:)

Imsa Weathertech 6 ore di Watkins Glen, siamo a metà e Rigon con la Ferrari di Risi è terzo a due sec. e mezzo dalla vetta:



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  • Adoro! 1

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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