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Trattativa Renault-Fca

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May 29, 2019 05:45 AM updated 7 minutes ago

Nissan tells Renault 'not opposed' to FCA merger, report says




TOKYO -- Nissan on Wednesday told Renault it wasn't opposed to its partner's potential $35 billion merger with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, the Nikkei newspaper said, as the two met to hash out the future of their alliance amid a deal that could upend the auto industry.

The leaders of Nissan Motor Co., France's Renault SA and junior partner Mitsubishi Motors Corp. gathered at Nissan's headquarters in Yokohama for a scheduled alliance meeting -- one overshadowed by FCA's proposal this week for a merger of equals with Renault.

The plan, which would create the world's third-largest automaker, raises difficult questions about how Nissan would fit into a radically changed alliance. Renault Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard arrived in Japan on Tuesday to discuss the proposed tie-up with Nissan, 43.4 percent owned by the French automaker.

"We are not opposed," the Nikkei quoted an unnamed Nissan source who had attended the meeting as saying. The person also said "many details need to be worked out" before the Japanese automaker solidifies its position on the issue, the Nikkei reported.

In a statement, the alliance members confirmed that they had "an open and transparent discussion" on the proposal. The deal looks designed to tackle the costs of far-reaching technological and regulatory changes, including the drive toward electric vehicles.


Nissan, which has rebuffed overtures by Renault for a merger of their own despite their 20-year alliance, was blindsided by the discussions, sources have told Reuters, stoking concerns that a deal with Fiat Chrysler could weaken Nissan's relations with Renault.

The tie-up also poses an additional challenge for Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa, already grappling with poor financial performance and an uneasy relationship with Renault after Nissan led the ousting last year of long-standing alliance chairman Carlos Ghosn.

There have long been tensions between Nissan and Renault over the imbalance of power in their alliance. Nissan, the bigger company, holds a 15 percent non-voting stake in the French automaker.

Ahead of Wednesday's meeting, Japanese media quoted Saikawa as telling reporters that he would look at the potential opportunities afforded by a Renault-FCA merger.

Credit ratings agency Moody's said it was vital for Nissan to stabilize its partnership with Renault to expand operational synergies and improve margins.

"It is unclear if the Nissan-Renault-Mitsubishi Motors alliance can advance their cooperation without resolving the cross-shareholding issue, which has been source of contention," Moody's said in the report, which followed a cut to Nissan's credit rating last week.

Status of the deal

Renault’s board is expected to give preliminary approval to Fiat’s proposal as soon as next week, people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg. While Fiat and Renault aren’t seeking a merger with Nissan for now, the companies plan to eventually invite Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors to join forces, they said.

“The benefits that would accrue from a combination of Groupe Renault and FCA, we believe, would also extend to the Alliance partners Mitsubishi and Nissan,” Fiat Chrysler told its dealers and suppliers Monday. “We look forward to engaging with them on even greater, mutually beneficial opportunities.”

At stake are the companies’ ability to compete as the industry faces multiple challenges. With sales falling in the world’s biggest car markets, manufacturers are being pushed by regulators to electrify and reduce fleet emissions, forcing them to combine efforts and investments. They also need to spend heavily on self-driving technology or risk getting left behind by new, deep-pocketed competitors such as Google's self-driving affiliate Waymo.

Hurt by slumping U.S. sales, aging vehicle models and an out-of-sync product cycle, Nissan issued an outlook for weak operating profit and cut its dividend for the first time in a decade.

Destabilized alliance

The alliance was destabilized six months ago with the arrest of Ghosn, its architect and chairman, for alleged financial crimes during his time as leader of the Japanese carmaker. Ghosn has denied all of the charges and is preparing for his trial, which will probably start next year.

Senard, who replaced Ghosn as chairman of Renault and the alliance, has sought to put the three automakers back on stable ground following his predecessor’s arrest. He worked earlier this year with Nissan to craft a new governance structure to oversee the partnership, giving up key concessions over board seats to assuage concerns by the Yokohama-based company.

Although Senard had been prodding Saikawa to consider further consolidation under a holding company structure, that’s now on hold. Eventually, they plan to invite the Japanese automaker to deepen ties, people with knowledge of the matter said.

Saikawa, who had rebuffed any talk of merging, now appears to be shifting his message. Talks between the European car companies will bring more opportunities and be positive for the future, Nissan’s CEO said. “It’s better if the alliance’s reach expands,” he said.

Saikawa’s comments underscore what appears to be a split in Nissan’s leadership over the right course of action. Earlier this week, the automaker signaled that it doesn’t view an extensive deal between them as a positive development, according to people with knowledge of the matter. Wednesday’s meeting may be critical for breaking that impasse.

“The deal shows what could happen between Renault and Nissan down the road,” said Tatsuo Yoshida, an analyst at Sawakami Asset Management Inc. “Renault’s bargaining power will increase if the merger talks succeed.”

Reuters and Bloomberg contributed to this report.


I giapani cominciano a farsi un paio di calcoli e a rendersi conto che la matematica è contro di loro...

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. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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1 minuto fa, pennellotref scrive:



I giapani cominciano a farsi un paio di calcoli e a rendersi conto che la matematica sia contro di loro...

Speriamo che JE non vada a fare compagnia a Ghosn nelle imperiali galere. :lol:  :lol: 

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8 minuti fa, nucarote scrive:

Speriamo che JE non vada a fare compagnia a Ghosn nelle imperiali galere. :lol:  :lol: 

Vabbeh, dai ! Lui si tiene a distanza di sicurezza ! A limite il problema è di Senard e Manley ! Altrimenti uno i CEO che se li fa a fare ? LOL

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. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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15 minuti fa, gate scrive:

) leggo della questione dei licenziamenti, potere Stato francese: Penso invece che non ci sarà nessun licenziamento, tutti contenti e felici, ma utilizzeranno un'altra arma subdola: nessun nuovo assunzione in Italia. Pian piano i lavoratori italiani diminuiranno grazie ai pensionamenti/pre-pensionamenti. Mentre in Francia assumeranno nuovi giovani lavoratori. 



Il discorso dei licenziamenti/pensionamenti non coperti da altre assunzioni sarà inevitabile e fisiologico, non dipenderà dall'acquisizione, prima o poi lì si andrà a finire.


Giusto per ricordare:      VW 7000 esuberi in Europa

FORD: 24.000 licenziamenti                               LAND ROVER: 4500 licenziamenti

OPEL: 4000 tagli entro il 2020   

PSA: 2300 tagli




Ora, al netto del fatto che in FCA non si è "figli della gallina bianca", nè in Francia come si evince si è figli di galletto speciale, prima o poi succederà anche qui.

Anzi, ringraziamo il cielo che finora gli unici licenziamenti che ricordo nell'ultimo periodo son quelli di quei due tizi che incendiarono il pupazzo di Marchionne (e ci mancherebbe, avrei istituito i lavori forzati in miniera giusto per loro)

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- '10 Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 TB MultiAir 135 cv Distinctive Premium Pack (dal 2017)

-'03 Ford StreetKa 1.6 Leather  (dal 2022)


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Secondo me l'accordo Fca-Renault è già stato fatto da un pezzo, avranno studiato sinergie e utilizzo di piattaforme ed impianti per i nuovi modelli, ma solo ora coinvolgono i media.

Nel 2017 a marzo ci fu l'annuncio dell'acquisto di Opel da parte di Psa e il mese successivo erano in vendita Crossland e Grandland su base PSA PF1 e PSA EMP-2.

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5 minuti fa, giorgio scrive:


Nel 2017 a marzo ci fu l'annuncio dell'acquisto di Opel da parte di Psa e il mese successivo erano in vendita Crossland e Grandland su base PSA PF1 e PSA EMP-2.


Il 29 febbraio 2012 PSA sigla un'alleanza col gruppo statunitense General Motors per lo sviluppo e la condivisione di piattaforme, componenti ed altre tecnologie. Nell'occasione GM acquisisce il 7% del pacchetto azionario del gruppo francese.


Crossland e Grandland sono i frutti di quell'accordo.

Modificato da nucarote
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Si e da un pezzo che PSA e Opel lavorano insieme... hanno messo molti anni in fine dei conti a fare modelli condivisi che non siano rincarrozzamenti...


Mi sa più di FCA che ha fatto uscire Dart e Cherokee, 4 anni dopo l’accordo con Chrysler...

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2 ore fa, il_vignale scrive:


Me la spiegheresti meglio? Con lo stato Francese nel capitale parlare di acquisizione mi pare velleitario... e ancora il governo francese non ha rilasciato dichiarazioni che fan pensare ad una sua uscita, tutt'altro. Storicamente la Francia non ha mai permesso acquisizioni di asset strategici , i giapponesi han dovuto incriminare Ghosn per ritrovare un minimo di indipendenza gestionale. Macron ha stracciato il contratto di Finmeccanica. 


In breve: Exor sarà il principale azionista della nuova società che si formerà.  E perciò ne manterrà il controllo ( grazie al diritto olandese )

Senza dimenticare che i 2,5 miliardi di dividendi distribuiti propedeutici alla fusione potrebbero essere tranquillamente riutilizzati da Exor per comprare azioni FCA o Renault ( tramite scatole cinesi ) ed aumentare il controllo .

Tra parentesi la quota del governo francese si dimezzerà dall'attuale. 

Per il resto, Macron avrà avuto le assicurazioni del caso, ed all'uso può comportarsi come il suo ben più illustre predecessore, se le cose non prendessero la piega da lui voluta .

Ad oggi l'unica incognita è il rapporto con Nissan.


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Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.

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Veramente l'AD sarò io, sono andato dal parrucchiere proprio oggi


In caso di fusione, RAM avrebbe il suo "piccolo" pickup con il Frontier, idem Fiat (o volendo Iveco) quí in EU lasciando L200 (che a mio parere verrá i fluenzato dal Navara e non il contrario)


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