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[h=1]Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG:

Statement by Prof. Dr. Winterkorn[/h]“I am shocked by the events of the past few days. Above all, I am stunned that misconduct on such a scale was possible in the Volkswagen Group.

As CEO I accept responsibility for the irregularities that have been found in diesel engines and have therefore requested the Supervisory Board to agree on terminating my function as CEO of the Volkswagen Group. I am doing this in the interests of the company even though I am not aware of any wrong doing on my part.

Volkswagen needs a fresh start – also in terms of personnel. I am clearing the way for this fresh start with my resignation.

I have always been driven by my desire to serve this company, especially our customers and employees. Volkswagen has been, is and will always be my life.

The process of clarification and transparency must continue. This is the only way to win back trust. I am convinced that the Volkswagen Group and its team will overcome this grave crisis.”

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Si ...anch'io "ridevo" degli mia tutto ok..bla bla

poi però a 98.000 km ho riso meno (auto del 2006)

- - - - - - - - - - AGGIUNTA al messaggio già esistente - - - - - - - - - -

Correttamente che significa?

No perchè noi l'abbiamo usata correttamente...solo che in certi giorni è "costretta " a fare brevi tappe di pochissimi km.

Se non va bene...allora dovevano scrivere nel libretto delle istruzioni che non posso usare l'auto per fare meno di 3 km

1983 Citroen 2CV6 Charleston bordeaux/nera

2024 Alfa Romeo Tonale 1,5 160cv Sprint

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